River stream 53g

Looking good! My anacharis is bending over at the top in my 55 gallon tank. I was tempted to break it in two but with my hornwort breaking down I need the shade for the tetras.
Looking good! My anacharis is bending over at the top in my 55 gallon tank. I was tempted to break it in two but with my hornwort breaking down I need the shade for the tetras.
I trimmed my anacharis down which i regreted when i decided to put it at the back. Problem with hornwort for me is that it doesnt anchor in the substrate aswell as other plants. Mines been in months but still comes out easy if i knock it when doing maintance.

Have you noticed anymore glowlight fry in your 55?
View attachment 100549
Love watching this tank in the evening. So much activity and colour. Otto's seem to be even more active with plenty of cover from above.

Ive had to thin my lotus pads and water sprite down a tad due to massive growth. Lighting in the tank still looks good tho and makes my barbs really pop. Planted back ground really helps too

Ive added some more driftwood to all my tanks lately and that as gone down well with the fish and shrimp. Wood really does look good in tanks.

Had a little move around in my 29g yesterday. Brought a nice piece of driftwood to replace a big river rock i had in it. Think this gives the fish some more swimming space and more ground surface for my Panda cories.
View attachment 100550
It still needs work but once the Anacharis and Limnophila grow in the background and cover sponge filter it will look much better :)
Looks great! The Anacharis will grow fast, trust me! ;)
Looking good! My anacharis is bending over at the top in my 55 gallon tank. I was tempted to break it in two but with my hornwort breaking down I need the shade for the tetras.
Cut it about half way down. It will re sprout like ghis

(Sorry for the garage image, lol)
Cut it about half way down. It will re sprout like ghis
View attachment 100557
(Sorry for the garage image, lol)
Its bomb proof anacharis is. Ive had mine over a year now and it looks as good now as it did when i brought it. Very easy plant to care for
I trimmed my anacharis down which i regreted when i decided to put it at the back. Problem with hornwort for me is that it doesnt anchor in the substrate aswell as other plants. Mines been in months but still comes out easy if i knock it when doing maintance.

Have you noticed anymore glowlight fry in your 55?
That is why I gave up on planting it and decided to let it float. I have not seen any new fry :(


Another week another water change :)
Was hoping some Cryptocoryne walkeri i ordered come today in time to plant while i was doing the maintance. This is to replace the Rotala indica next to my amazon swords.
I really like the Indica but so do my Barbs :no:so im going to replace them with the crypts which have dark brown leaves. (This will break up the green in the back row).

Ive decided to take my Oto's out this tank due to them not having much hope of getting food readily. Their new homes now in my 29g. All have settled in well :)
Tbh my old phone camera was much better than the one i have now. Cant take many close ups with this one, the fish are blurry. Im thinking of investing in a proper camera

Barbs are really loving life in this tank. Their colours are mesmerising to me :wub: i think im going to do this tank to a larger scale and up my groups and add a few more barbs such as the Sahyadria denisonii /Dawkinsia filamentosa to it. Love barbs natural behaviour and their colours.

Ive added yet more cryptocoryne (Walkeri/Wendtii 'Mi oya) and due to my BN pleco being a thug in my 29g ive added a new piece of driftwood in the left hand corner.

Once my LFS re-opens i plan to add some bottom dwellers :)

Nice group of cories or a Rainbow shark :fish:
Tank is looking good as usual :clap: floating plants look great. I plan on adding some more neon and ember tetras but am waiting till this is C19 is over, I did order some plants. (frog bit and more water sprite)
Tank is looking good as usual :clap: floating plants look great. I plan on adding some more neon and ember tetras but am waiting till this is C19 is over, I did order some plants. (frog bit and more water sprite)
Frogbits a nice floating plant if you can manage to keep it growing. Water sprites been great for me. You wont have a problem with that.

Hows your tanks coming along? Youd just created an arch and brought a new heater last time. Any progress..

Im now in the process of setting up a tank im restoring :)
What are you feeding the crypts? They are looking much better than mine
What are you feeding the crypts? They are looking much better than mine
Just root tabs that i change every 2 or 3 months. Nothing special either. Just cheap ones off ebay.

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