River Monsters - Giant Pleco's


Nov 19, 2012
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Did anyone see the river monsters episode where he is in the amazon? He went into the place where they preserve the catfish, they pulled out of the box the biggest plecos I have ever seen.
Il tryfind the link but it deffo one to watch.
I'd like to see that...definitely try to find a link to it, please!
I cant find a link but, its river monsters series 1 episode 6 - amazon flesh eaters.
Pretty sure that is it.
River monsters is a pretty good show, the SO and I always have to watch it if we come across it on TV. He keeps saying we should get some of the fish he catches :p 
Was on itv4 this morning, its called killer catfish.
Im gutted I cant find any legit links on google, its a good one to watch.
rpgmomma8404 said:
 I know royal plecos can get freaking huge! 
Length-wise they don't get nearly as large as some, but they do get incredibly fat, thick, weighty, call it what you will. I researched them quite a fair amount as I was looking at getting one. The youngsters are very attractive fish, but imo they get fat and dullishly ugly as they get older. If you're looking for a plec with massive girth and a real look of weightyness then they are the fish for you. In the end I decided they aren't a fish for me!
Just found it: Series 1, Episode 5 - you can watch it here for 99p (worth a watch)...

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