Rising temperatures could cause an ancient beast to rise again...

love it :)

Giant dragonflies or any other giant animal is not going to happen now or anytime in the near future. There is too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The giant insects of the past were able to get big because there was more oxygen for them to breath. In another 20 years there won't be enough oxygen for us to breath, let alone giant bugs.
That is true...
But some animals may be getting larger a little. Not a huge size difference at the moment
The 100 foot hunt man spider, with the wings of a giant dragon fly and the energy levels the late Steve Irwin had... crikey.

Could it have colours like a duboulayi rainbow? That way, everyone's last word would be "wow".
Think you're refering to Jozef Mengele who did extremely cruel experiments on people and especially twins. He fled to Brazil and died in Paraguay as far as I know.
Probably you're also refering to the film The Boys from Brasil .

I wouldn't exactly call people like these excellent scientist.
Iv never saw the film but il give it a watch
Despite the acts agains humanity the science for the time was genius
Bad people can still do great things in my opinion
Iv never saw the film but il give it a watch
Despite the acts agains humanity the science for the time was genius
Bad people can still do great things in my opinion
I agree but these people didn't.
Crimes against humanity can't ever be called "great things" IMO. Especially Mengele and his companions were the worst scum on earth.
Lol... I wonder what a mammoth would look like using an elephant as the birthing mother... It would definitely not look like an actual mammoth from long ago but probably really close to it.
hmm maybe just a long-haired elephant
Watch those dragonflies ! They'll sew your lips shut. Think that's an old wives tale ? It's not.

At least you can here them coming.
Yep, you hear them singing "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz"


"Dragonfly leader to crew, mark your positions. We're coming in for landing"


"Mmm, look at those tasty humans down there. GET EMMMM....."

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