Rising temperatures could cause an ancient beast to rise again...

I agree but nazi science was well ahead of the time , nazis put man in space really , all those scientists that the Soviet’s took knew what they were on about to be fair , i read that the highest population of twins in earth is from a town in Brazil where a nazi scientist fled after ww2 funny enough he specialised in twins .. no coincidence
As bad as they we’re ethically
They excelled in science
Think you're refering to Jozef Mengele who did extremely cruel experiments on people and especially twins. He fled to Brazil and died in Paraguay as far as I know.
Probably you're also refering to the film The Boys from Brasil .

I wouldn't exactly call people like these excellent scientist.
Lol... I wonder what a mammoth would look like using an elephant as the birthing mother... It would definitely not look like an actual mammoth from long ago but probably really close to it.
We might bring an animal back that will make humans extinct hahahaha.
That might be the only way to save our (or better their) planet.

I just read an article that especially in Australia more and more ecosystems disappear and animals get extinct in a very fast way.

Sorry for being sceptical.
I'm waiting for the mega dinopig.
Jurassic pork.

History only repeats itself in the human world. It would take huge environmental changes, including the extinction of gun totin'
humans, for a giant dragonfly to have a chance. I mean, if they could replace horses and eat Canada Geese. I would have one lapping up water in my garage.

I actually started kayaking regularly because it allows me to drift along with dragon flies and darners sitting on my boat where I can have a good look at them. I think they're great.

I see a lot of larger dragonflies, and a lot of birds that are new to me. Some are moving north as the climate allows them to, but a lot are rebounding from pesticide use. They were here, we killed them but survivors are recolonizing. Plus I used to not care about birds. I lived my bottom feeder life while birds were just fish wheeling around up there. Since I've been looking, I've been seeing...
Aren't they awesome ?


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It is widely believed that high oxygen levels were the reason of the size of early insects. At that time Oxygen levels were 35%. Today it is 21%. The reason for this was plants. plants had removed a lot of CO2 before the arboniferous period and at that time bacteria could not break down wood. Most of the worlds oil and coal formed during this period. Back then the temperatures was about the same as today. CO2 levels during the early arboniferous were high about 2000ppm and the global average temperature was about 22C. However for about half of the period CO2 global average temperature iwas about the same as today and an ice age started.

Thisis graph of CO2 and temperature data from the last 600 million years.
I'm waiting for the mega dinopig.
Jurassic pork.
love it :)

Giant dragonflies or any other giant animal is not going to happen now or anytime in the near future. There is too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The giant insects of the past were able to get big because there was more oxygen for them to breath. In another 20 years there won't be enough oxygen for us to breath, let alone giant bugs.
love it :)

Giant dragonflies or any other giant animal is not going to happen now or anytime in the near future. There is too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The giant insects of the past were able to get big because there was more oxygen for them to breath. In another 20 years there won't be enough oxygen for us to breath, let alone giant bugs.
Imagine the jumbo versions of all the dangerous Australia fauna :eek:
The dragonfly mating ritual is quite interesting


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