RIP Pyro and Juggernaut


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2005
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I just recently got two bettas, one was a Red DT PK and the other was a Mustard Gas PK. I found them both on Friday at my LFS. I brought them home and they were both fine. I got them to school yesterday. My mustard gas (Juggernaut) was developing some cottony fungus and my Red DT PK was fine. I treated Juggernaut with medications, but things only got worse, as it looked like right before he died he swam around violently in circles and what seemed to be opened wounds on his body. This all developed over night.

My Red PK DT ( Pyro) died from the same thing. Although it seemed his developed over night, I only saw cottony fungus on him this morning and panicked. I put medicine in his tank and he died about 30 minutes later.

I saw them both die. I feel terrible that they died this way, especially seeing Juggernaut toss and turn like he was in terrible pain.

This thread is for them! RIP Juggernaut and Pyro! Go to fishy heaven!
Sorry you had such a bad morning, and I'm sorry for your loss. Poor little guys. They might have been sick before you got them and the stress of the move just put them over the top.
wuvmybetta said:
Sorry you had such a bad morning, and I'm sorry for your loss. Poor little guys. They might have been sick before you got them and the stress of the move just put them over the top.

I agree. Since the two LFSs that I frequent know me so well, some of my bettas were actually held for me for about a week before I bought them. I would visit my children, and see if they were ok before I took them home. I probably will not have this luxury in Miami. I am so sorry for your loss. It sucks big time. Don't be discouraged, though, you did the best you could, and we support you.

:rip: little fishies. :-(
So terribly sorry to hear about your losses. By the sounds of it - cottony fuzz, ulcers, and rapid progression/death, is seems they may have had columnaris. I hear it is pretty common in bettas, esp. pet store ones since they aren't kept in the most sterile conditions. It is very contageous, so I would not put anything else in those tanks until they are properly sterilized.

Bye bye guys =( :rip:
Thanks for posting everyong, I appreciate it greatly.

How would I sterilize the tanks? I got three bettas coming from a guy on aquabid as soon as Rita passes him, so I want to clean them out for those three. I still got 4 bettas left...and from now I have to check the betta before I buy them.

Again, Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate it. :)
Oh no, so sorry for you losses! I know how hard it is to have to lose fish like that :sad:

I agree with RandomWiktor, it sounds like columnaris... it's a bacterial infection that is notoriously fast and difficult to treat. If any of your other fish get it in the future treat them with some sort of antibiotic ASAP.
Thanks for the info. I am keeping a very careful eye on my bettas. I dont want to lose another fish in that way again. It was really horrible to watch.

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