Fish Crazy
When my sorority tank got Ich, I treated them all with Jungle Ich Tabs in a hospital. One of the girls got really lethargic and lost a lot of the color on her fins (like all the color had been rubbed off... not just paleness), so I threw them all back in their own tank. She then swam around frantically, smashed against the wall and nose-dived into the marbles where she died too. Sound familiar?? This is too weird... it has to have been something else underlying that you couldn't see. That's what I've come to terms with about the two girls that I lost to the Ich epidemic.
Fin rot definitely did not kill your fish. I honestly don't know what it is or what it could be... and I probably never will. Just know that you ARE a good mommy and you did all you could for the little one. *hugs*
Fin rot definitely did not kill your fish. I honestly don't know what it is or what it could be... and I probably never will. Just know that you ARE a good mommy and you did all you could for the little one. *hugs*