Rip Bonnie The Pregnant Guppy

hey guys

I woke up this morning to find that bonnie wasn't around the tank

she met the same fate as her friend, i found her under the castle, still pregnant and everything..

i presume that the pregnancy took its toll

holy hell! Woah.. RIP bonnie. I'm truly shocked. I dont know what to say :( She will be remembered for all the right reasons though. As soon as I get more fry, I shall name one bonnie in tribute to a lovely fish ...
holy hell! Woah.. RIP bonnie. I'm truly shocked. I dont know what to say :( She will be remembered for all the right reasons though. As soon as I get more fry, I shall name one bonnie in tribute to a lovely fish ...

thankyou =]

can't wait to see the new Bonnie!
Im so sorry. Everytime I logged in here I had to check up on Bonnie ! I have guppy fry that are 11 days old so one of them will now also be Bonnie !
Aww! I am really sorry to hear about Bonnie! I've just read through the entire set of posts on this and am in tears!!

Good luck with your future 'Bonnie's'!

Awww NO, i'm so sorry to hear about Bonnie. Been checking this post for ages hoping to hear good news. I too have guppy fry now and will name one after her :rolleyes: She will never be forgotten.......
thanks a lot guys!

Bonnie has become a legend in her own right now =]

I don't have the heart to replace her! so may all of you carry 'Bonnie' onwards

thanks again


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