Rip Bonnie The Pregnant Guppy

LOL :hyper: I would be really worried about bonnie if that happened. Anyway, MewMew you didn't answer any of my questions about bonnie in my previous post, if you answer them I might be able to tell you something.
LOL :hyper: I would be really worried about bonnie if that happened. Anyway, MewMew you didn't answer any of my questions about bonnie in my previous post, if you answer them I might be able to tell you something.

In those pics she doesn't really look squared off, she has a more round figure. Is she behaving normally or does she hide alot nearby a heater/filter? Look closely on her bum does it have a white dot-like thing on there? Does the dot have a black center?

WOW!! THats all I have to say.... She looks like she swallowed another fish!

Lol, she DOES have fish inside of her!

oops sorry! i keep getting swept away with all the posts here haha, anyways the answer is that she does have a white dot but i can't see if it has a black centre =[

hahah yeah! Weren't you two both thinking the babies were coming at the same time too?

What if his molly beats Bonnie TWICE!

I know! i said that to him lol

even my swordtail gave birth before bonnie and her pregnant friend, and none were as big as she is now!

shes being difficult =[
Day 50 isn't it? Wow, if she gives birth healthy and safely that might be record for anyone on fishforums for longest guppy pregnancy ever :nod:.
Day 50 isn't it? Wow, if she gives birth healthy and safely that might be record for anyone on fishforums for longest guppy pregnancy ever :nod:.

yep lol I can only hope she'll be okay, her friend died because of birth =[

poor little fishie all pregnant and waddling around lol
have you been trapping her or are just gonna let her give birth in the main tank? Is there a male harassing her?
have you been trapping her or are just gonna let her give birth in the main tank? Is there a male harassing her?

she's in my 10g as there is more cover there and I've had 2 successful births in there and there's no male..can't have one ='[
Thats a good plan. Are you gonna trap her in there or let her give birth in there?
I'm just going to let her give birth naturally, i know all the hideouts for the fry [behind the filter and the heater] so ive put plants there. seems to have worked so far!

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