Ricordea florida

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Very Nice rics Sh.- really need to move to the US, you boys have access to some lovely Rics & Zoo's :wub: :wub:

I recently got 5 - 6 new Ric's but have yet to manage to get any decent pics, I will give it another try tonight,

I think I need a new Camera as I smashed (wasnt the only thing that was smashed, I was in no fit state & the my dancing OMG) the old one in a nightclub on saturday night, but hopefully it will give me a couple of shots before it dies on my
Hi, I am not ready yet but when I am where can I find those types of corals? I looked online and cannot find them, and I would love to add them to my tank.

Where are you based Steve

Steve..if you are in the US, go to Ebay and look up old.diver...bought all my rics from him and he usually throws in extra freebies. He doesn't have anything up on Ebay right now, but, he's got great stuff. SH
& if you are UK based

Try Coralfarm.co.uk - I got some from there and they are coming along nicely

steelhealr, I hate you and your gorgeous corals. I covet your corals :drool: . I am forced to live vicarously through you and wait each day for new picture from your tanks. Why don't you just end my suffering and ship everything over here to Arizona for me. Yeah. Or maybe you could just set up a couple of web-cams around your tank and broadcast them so I can pretend any time of day.

Keep those great pics coming, I'll try to keep the drool to a minimum (makes the screen and keyboard all messy doncha know ;) ) :thumbs:
MAM...thanks so much for the nice comments.....thank YOURSELF for all of you getting me up and running...all the mods helped me get here. I really had no aquarium experience last fall. I'll do my best to keep this tank going. SH
Must say I fully agree with MAM every pic you post makes me jealous of your corals

I want them ALL



:kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics:
..that's what we're all here for....to help everyone get a nice tank in their house. SH


:rofl: :rofl:
Just found this and was going to post the link to Coral Farm but see you have already found it Chac.

I just ordered some myself, which should arrive Thrusday.

any advice on placement? light/flow etc??
Low to middle..they don't like very bright light although they can probably be acclimated to that over time. Low to medium flow. SH

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