Rewarding Myself To New Aquarium

Thanks Daize, 100% correct with Cryptocoryne ID's, when I bought the fish from Maidenhead (Stokesley N.Yorks) they where described as Copper Harlequin Rasbora. (is that another name for Glowlight Rasbora?)
Hmm I'm not sure lol!  Glowlight seems to be another name for Hengel's rasbora (I want to post a link to a URL I found but the forum seems to be acting up :/)  Anyway the link I found says that Hengel's rasbora needs very slow flow as it can't swim very well.  This surprises me because I've recently acquired some standard harlequin rasbora and they seem to me to be very strong active swimmers.  The espei/harlequin/hengeli rasboras all look so outwardly similar it didn't occur they might be quite different.  Are yours active swimmers?
It's interesting to see the crypt species next to each other and compare the difference in size.  I have Beckettii and I wanted a larger crypt so I may try some wendtii.
The Wendtii (green) is a much older plant (by a good 6 months) I think this accounts for the size difference. Tropica plant guide states that the Beckettii is the taller of the two at 15cm full grown , just shows the increase growth between post 42 and 44 (over the space of 45 days) These Copper Harlequin Rasbora are very active swimmers and regularly have a bit of fun darting in and out in the path of the current of my Ehiem skimmer 
That's a surprise, my Beckettii is about 8 months old and has never grown any taller than yours.  I thought that's as big as it gets.   it will be interesting to see if yours does get bigger!
Liking what I see.  I just have one observation/question from one of the pictures.  Did you have any problems with the CO2 (yet)?
Because you're not supposed to lay a bottle on it's side (while dispensing).  It'll draw liquid CO2 (instead of gas) through your regulator (they really don't like that as they're designed for gas, not liquid, and it can break it) when it's over half full.  Another side-effect is you'll draw way more than normal when the tank is over half full.  Or if you dialed it way down (to draw a normal amount while laying on it's side, drawing liquid) it'll suddenly draw almost nothing when the tank gets just over half empty (and the regulator suddenly starts "eating" gas like it's designed to do) making you think the tank is empty.
I have no issue at all or symptoms of anything that you suggest should be happening,
 Might cause an issue if the reg was positioned below the bottle neck rather than above it.
Shouldn't matter.  If it's over half full, liquid still gets "pushed" to the left and up into the regulator.
By no means am I "the expert" on this, but every source I can find says you can't use them sideways.  I just wanted to "warn" you. (Not like it'll blow up)
If it keeps working just fine (I guess, because it's a fire extinguisher bottle, it just might have a anti-siphon tube/valve) I suppose you could just ignore it.
No it won't blow up, and thanks for the good intention warnings, but you can actually use them sideways I know this to be true because I am and without any issue for well over six months now, 
I hadn't realised that alternanthera came in a mini version, it's just the right height to keep the bogwood visible.
You must be doing something right for that lush growth!
I have to agree with Blondie, now that the plants have grown so much a picture background is no longer needed - I'd choose black or white.

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