Revised Spawns


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
After seeing how many VTs I would get, and analyzing Mars better, and thinking that everyone is wrong once in a while, I had to revise the spawns. It took me a day of replanning, but I think I have everything figured out now, one I need help with though.

Instead of Mars x Hera, I went with Frosty x Hera



Instead of Frosty x Cream, I went with Shimmer x Cream



(She's not really that brown/ copper in real life)

It took me a while, but I think those are good pair ups. Now, with the first spawn, sure I'll get VTs, but I'm more interested in the coloration and besides, in F2, I'll get some good looking DTs. Then, for the second spawn, I should get STPKs, and then in F2, I'll get some DTs? I need help on that one. Cream holds the DT gene. So, will any of the babies inherit that gene? You can get a bucket-load more of information at my stock shop here. Now, isn't this a load better? I certainly like it more than my last pair ups. By the way, Shimmer and Frosty are TigerMan's bettas. He's providing the males, I'm providing the females. Rate the pair ups, and answer my quesiton, please? Don't give me any of the "well, what if" stuff, this is planning. wuvmybetta said I could post a link to my stock shop, but if a mod considers it advertising, you can remove it. Thank you.

-oppositearmor and TigerMan
Shimmer is a much better match for Cream :nod:
You *can* get DTs in the F2 from them, but to do so you have to pick out two parent fish that are DT geno, which might be a little tricky since only half of the F1 fish will be DT geno (assuming Shimmer isn't DT geno himself, of course.) DT geno fish generally have slightly wider dorsal fins than pure ST fish, so that'll be the clue; just choose wisely.

Edit: I still don't understand how you think you'll get coppers out of either of those spawns, though? Is Shimmer copper geno or something? Also, all the fish in Frosty's spawn will be ST long-finned, not plakat ;)
I think this pairings make for much better match ups. Whatever the tail type, Forsty and Hera should come out with some really nice looking betta's.
Shimmer is a much better match for Cream :nod:
You *can* get DTs in the F2 from them, but to do so you have to pick out two parent fish that are DT geno, which might be a little tricky since only half of the F1 fish will be DT geno (assuming Shimmer isn't DT geno himself, of course.) DT geno fish generally have slightly wider dorsal fins than pure ST fish, so that'll be the clue; just choose wisely.

Edit: I still don't understand how you think you'll get coppers out of either of those spawns, though? Is Shimmer copper geno or something? Also, all the fish in Frosty's spawn will be ST long-finned, not plakat ;)
First off, yes Shimmer has the copper gene. and about the long finneds, apperantly you didn't read all my post.
Now, with the first spawn, sure I'll get VTs
so with frosty we won't get any dt's just vt's, but he's a double tail should'nt we end up with at least a few dt's???????? with shimmer will they have the dt gene's i'm thinking maybe and shimmer has the copper gene how could you tell
what did you tell me again?????????
First off, you didn't ask about anything about the betta, I did, so I knew more. No, we won't get any DTs in the first spawn, but in the second spawn we will, with Frosty and Hera of course.
Also, all the fish in Frosty's spawn will be ST long-finned, not plakat ;)
First off, yes Shimmer has the copper gene. and about the long finneds, apperantly you didn't read all my post.
Now, with the first spawn, sure I'll get VTs
I did, and I also read your stock shop, which (unless you've fixed it since then) still said you'd get plakats after you revised the pairs.
Hmhmh..potential problem.
Synirr, you with all those babys....fry I mean, of you still have em? I can remember a couple of piccys of what seemd to be hundreds and hundreds of cups with fry and such in it....was it alot of work? Was fit worth it? I want to breed my DT's when they get here...But I don't know If I'll have the room. I can only keep them in my room, which is like 12x9. Its pretty small, plus the 6 tanks in there...I might even have to move another 10G in there, if my brother gets upset and makes me move it :/
Also, all the fish in Frosty's spawn will be ST long-finned, not plakat ;)
First off, yes Shimmer has the copper gene. and about the long finneds, apperantly you didn't read all my post.
Now, with the first spawn, sure I'll get VTs
I did, and I also read your stock shop, which (unless you've fixed it since then) still said you'd get plakats after you revised the pairs.
Yes, I still have to fix that one thing in the stock shop. That was from my original plans, but then Mars (the original) was a DOA, and I've been to lazy to fix it. But, I think I will right now. :)
Hmhmh..potential problem.
Synirr, you with all those babys....fry I mean, of you still have em? I can remember a couple of piccys of what seemd to be hundreds and hundreds of cups with fry and such in it....was it alot of work? Was fit worth it? I want to breed my DT's when they get here...But I don't know If I'll have the room. I can only keep them in my room, which is like 12x9. Its pretty small, plus the 6 tanks in there...I might even have to move another 10G in there, if my brother gets upset and makes me move it :/
I've still got 11 of them, not counting the three I'm keeping, and 9 of those are going to jollysue in a couple of weeks when she finishes moving (Unless you want to take Ipos jr. and his woman too, Sue? I forgot to mention them, but I'm giving them away as a pair because I want them to be bred, so hey, if you wanna breed them :hey:) Ahem, anyway.... Hell yes it was a lot of work, but totally worth it! I wouldn't have another 3 week old spawn right now if it hadn't been. They do take up a lot of space though, I'll be cramming these in every available corner once they're old enough to be jarred, and I need to get them a bigger growout tank very soon but have to figure out where I'm going to put it. I can't just shove them in the storage room of the garage this time, it's too cold for that now. :S
Thats the only potential problem I have right now.... I could use my 55G as a potential fry-grow-out, but were would I put it? I'll need to search the loacal papers and see if anythings in there, maybe I can put a bare tank in the basement.
All I really need it s tank and heater right? No gravel, or any acessories?
Would it be totally pointless to have the fry tank 3 stories under the 'breeding area'?
Nope, no gravel or anything, but I find that adding an airstone or sponge filter helps push all the poop to one area of the tank for easier cleaning. Where you put the tank doesn't really matter, since you'll only be moving fry into it once (out of the breeding tank) :thumbs:

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