Reverse Osmosis Question

Well were do i start?? First of all my house does have a meter and i pay for every drop i use most of the time but the water co. does estimate a few months but when they do check the meter the difference is made up. The wasted water in our town goes into the rain sewers and treated and put back were it belongs.(to nature) so im just not dumping dirty water in the yard. I also live in midwest usa were we really never had or ever will have a water shortage. Our water is very heavily treated and can range in chlorine, nitrates, nitrites, yes and a slight hint of ammonia, and every thing else u can imagine. I was hoping a RO setup would help stabalize my water supply. I also want to design and build a constant water change setup someday and RO setup seems like the only way to achieve this.
For taking out the good nutirents, Would this also afect the fish and plants in a negative way???? I want to do the best for my little guys and also trying to make it as owner friendly at the same time. thanks for the replys but still up in the air on RO setups :unsure:
I would like to add, that you CANNOT drink the RO water if it has passed a DI filter (a 6 stage RO filter)

This removes SO MUCH from the water, that the act of drinking it, will cause OSMOSIS to occur in your body, and the water you drank, will leech minerals OUT of your body, causing you to become dehydrated.

Thats right, drinking water this pure, is the same as drinking salt water.

At first I had only heard this to be true..... until my gf started drinking my RO+DI water, and had mentioned becoming extremely thirsty and dehydrated.

If you wish to drink water from an RO filter, make sure it is only a 5 stage, and doesnt have the DI filter, OR that your drinking water bypasses the DI filter.
I would like to add, that you CANNOT drink the RO water if it has passed a DI filter (a 6 stage RO filter)

This removes SO MUCH from the water, that the act of drinking it, will cause OSMOSIS to occur in your body, and the water you drank, will leech minerals OUT of your body, causing you to become dehydrated.

Thats right, drinking water this pure, is the same as drinking salt water.

At first I had only heard this to be true..... until my gf started drinking my RO+DI water, and had mentioned becoming extremely thirsty and dehydrated.

If you wish to drink water from an RO filter, make sure it is only a 5 stage, and doesnt have the DI filter, OR that your drinking water bypasses the DI filter.
Actually it is not the same as drinking Salt Water.

If you drink pure water then the salts in your body pass from you into the water and are passed out. If you drink salt water then the higher concntration of salts causes them to cross from the water into your body.

In fact, by my understanding of osmosis, drinking RO/DI water will lead to a shortage of salts, not water, so you wouldn't become dehydrated so much as over-hydrated. It may be that the body sends out the same signals whether dehydrated or over-hydrated so you feel thirsty.

Either way, a diet consisting of only pure water is not a very good one (unless you can somehow supplement the other chemicals one would expect to find in water).
I would like to add, that you CANNOT drink the RO water if it has passed a DI filter (a 6 stage RO filter)

This removes SO MUCH from the water, that the act of drinking it, will cause OSMOSIS to occur in your body, and the water you drank, will leech minerals OUT of your body, causing you to become dehydrated.

Thats right, drinking water this pure, is the same as drinking salt water.

At first I had only heard this to be true..... until my gf started drinking my RO+DI water, and had mentioned becoming extremely thirsty and dehydrated.

If you wish to drink water from an RO filter, make sure it is only a 5 stage, and doesnt have the DI filter, OR that your drinking water bypasses the DI filter.
Actually it is not the same as drinking Salt Water.

If you drink pure water then the salts in your body pass from you into the water and are passed out. If you drink salt water then the higher concntration of salts causes them to cross from the water into your body.

In fact, by my understanding of osmosis, drinking RO/DI water will lead to a shortage of salts, not water, so you wouldn't become dehydrated so much as over-hydrated. It may be that the body sends out the same signals whether dehydrated or over-hydrated so you feel thirsty.

Either way, a diet consisting of only pure water is not a very good one (unless you can somehow supplement the other chemicals one would expect to find in water).

What i meant by "the same as saltwater" is the whole dehydration thing.

And essentially you may be right about the overhydrated thing, But I can say from experience, that my gf became extremely thirsty, and started showing signs of DEhydration.

Again though, as you say the brain may just send the same signals, as it does for hungry and thirsty (yes half of the time you have hungar cramps, its because your body is in need of water)

I should have been more clear about the sciences of it i guess, I was mostly just warning people not to drink the water if it has been de-ionized after passing the RO membrane.

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