Retirement of WhistlingBadger

I was sad!
I've cried my heart out when I knew that WB wanted to retire... No more camping together, no more drinks together, no more casino visits together, no more playing with lego together and so on...

But WB will still be around... And that's a good thing...!
So, time for me to man up...

So, glad that WB won't leave us...
When I retired from my day job, I was given a watch. The brand on it was "fossil". I think they were sending me a message.

Can we find an" uncooperative elk" brand watch?
you want an elk watch?
here you go ..... manufactured by "Nature Kingdom"
you wont have to worry about scratching it as it comes prescratched


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The retirement party for @WhistlingBadger will be held at our corporate office in Manhatten, high above the Hudson River. It will be a bit delayed though. The party will be held on April 1st, 2024. All moderators and members are invited. Bring your bathing suit as swimming among the coral and the fish in the 15,000 gallon aquarium will be allowed.
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I am sorry to see this. @WhistlingBadger is thoughtful, considerate, and courteous. I suspect, he and I do not see eye-to-eye on many things. And yet I have a great respect for him. Sorry to you go, sir! Glad you'll still be around though. I hope all is well behind the curtains in your life.

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