Rescued Julii Cory


May 3, 2007
Reaction score
Columbia, MO
Hey all,
Went into my lfs not planning on picking up anything, lol, impossible. I was talking to the manager who said someone no longer wanted their julii corys and asked me if i wanted two of them for free! Of course i took them and they now reside in my 10 gallon divided tank, on the other side, a betta who wishes he could only get to them :devil: haha. Why anybody wouldnt want their corys is beyond me, but they look to be healthy and in good health. Just thought i would share that with fellow cory lovers.

Hey poopsydrew,

Did you ever think that they gave you 2 Julii so they can sell you 4+ more(as good cory keeper and I'm sure you are the one, keep good size group for their well being) sometime in near future? :lol:
Or maybe the previous owner gave up on finding 4 more Juliis as they are one of the toughest cory to identified correctly and match?

Well, congratulation for the gift. I am just kidding but not kidding about the group number. So hope you can find more buddies for them soon. Either free or bought, doesn't matter.

BTW, that is remind me to pay some visit to my local store(s) since I have a tank set up for a while and nothing in it. Then again, I already have the fish of my choice for the tank when I set it up few weeks ago.
Hey poopsydrew,

Did you ever think that they gave you 2 Julii so they can sell you 4+ more(as good cory keeper and I'm sure you are the one, keep good size group for their well being) sometime in near future? :lol:
Or maybe the previous owner gave up on finding 4 more Juliis as they are one of the toughest cory to identified correctly and match?

Well, congratulation for the gift. I am just kidding but not kidding about the group number. So hope you can find more buddies for them soon. Either free or bought, doesn't matter.

BTW, that is remind me to pay some visit to my local store(s) since I have a tank set up for a while and nothing in it. Then again, I already have the fish of my choice for the tank when I set it up few weeks ago.
I hope they werent planning on doing that just to get me to buy four more. I would have bought them friends but those were the only 2 they had. Yes, i know they need to be kept in groups and will buy some more juliis when i find em lol. I am hoping to find juliis for them but as you say they can be hard to correctly identify, i know they prefer to be with own species but if i cant find any you think green/bronze corys would work? or for that matter do you suggest any other species of cories to go with them if i am unable to find more juliis? thanks neoncory!

I actually am curious about the inter species groups cause sometimes it's hard finding 6 of any cory. Can i get 4 of 1 and maybe 4 of another to go together?
i have panda corys and votroi corys and swartz corys and they all are quite happy to shoal together, when they do split up they all mix in the different groups so i think mixing has been fine for me. :)

sorry i know i have spelt the names slightly wrong :blush:
i am 99% certain that you have trilineatus and in fact trilineatus are very easy to find.

im sure this has been said a billion times but 99.999999999999999999999% of cory's labelled julii are actually trilineatus, probably cos it's shorter and rolls off the tongue.
i am 99% certain that you have trilineatus and in fact trilineatus are very easy to find.

im sure this has been said a billion times but 99.999999999999999999999% of cory's labelled julii are actually trilineatus, probably cos it's shorter and rolls off the tongue.

and because they can charge more for julii's than they would trilineatus ;)
i am 99% certain that you have trilineatus and in fact trilineatus are very easy to find.

im sure this has been said a billion times but 99.999999999999999999999% of cory's labelled julii are actually trilineatus, probably cos it's shorter and rolls off the tongue.

and because they can charge more for julii's than they would trilineatus ;)
Thanks all for your help,
I understand what species they probably are now. Julii does make it easiuer though ha. And miss wiggle, i got them for free (which i was i only have 2 at the moment) so they didnt rip me off lol. thanks a lot for all the advice i got from everyone. I will update you guys when i get some more and take some pics. Until then....

I hope they werent planning on doing that just to get me to buy four more. I would have bought them friends but those were the only 2 they had. Yes, i know they need to be kept in groups and will buy some more juliis when i find em lol. I am hoping to find juliis for them but as you say they can be hard to correctly identify, i know they prefer to be with own species but if i cant find any you think green/bronze corys would work? or for that matter do you suggest any other species of cories to go with them if i am unable to find more juliis? thanks neoncory!


I'm sure they weren't doing that. I was just kidding.

Like I mentioned this more than few times.
Best would be keeping large group of same species, especially if you are considering collect eggs and raise the frys.
Next best would be keep the corys in big school(preferable 6+ but at least 4 and up) even if they are not same species. Although you need to try to match the water parameter requirement and size if it is possible. But you need to watch out for the hybrid. The risk would be higher if the specie do not have both sexes.
I remember once someone was posting the picture of hybrid between Panda and Sterbai. And she said she had more than few of both sexes of both fish in same tank and they still produced some hybrid. So only the safe way to prevent the hybrid is keep the specie only tank, I guess. But sometime some of the species of Cory is so look a like, you would never know if they are indeed same species. And sometime it is tough to match especially Julii and Trili or so called spot corys. And you never be 100% sure weither they are same species even if you bought corys at same time from same place.(there is always the chance of contaminant) But it would be less likely if you buy the big group at same time from tsame store than buying few at a time.(unless the few distinctive species)
Also I remember someone said that " why you want to create the hybrid corys, there are already so many different corys out there" and I must agree with him.

Anyway, this is my opinion and I'm sure not everybody agree with me. But that's the way I feel.
my corys have never interbred, or bred for that matter maybe they are all girls or boys :)
Congratulations on the new Cories, poopsydrew.

I think we have all had a pair at one time or other due to one circumstance or another: last 2 in the tank, poor advice from the clerk, death, and taxes d:D haha just kidding.

My opinion on it is: healthy, happy fish and keeper is A-OK. If the owner is satisfied and the fish is happy--what is the problem? Too many people trying to push their opinions as fact. Give it a break!

The pair will do fine, and you will find them some friends to pal with. They may always be a little paired up, but they have a good home and they are lucky fish!
Congratulations on the new Cories, poopsydrew.

I think we have all had a pair at one time or other due to one circumstance or another: last 2 in the tank, poor advice from the clerk, death, and taxes d:D haha just kidding.

My opinion on it is: healthy, happy fish and keeper is A-OK. If the owner is satisfied and the fish is happy--what is the problem? Too many people trying to push their opinions as fact. Give it a break!

The pair will do fine, and you will find them some friends to pal with. They may always be a little paired up, but they have a good home and they are lucky fish!
Thank you for your humor and your kind words. I like how you pointed out we all have gotten stuck with 2 at one point or another (makes me feel better, i feel bad that i only have 2 of them right now). I would like to thank everyone for all their interest and help in this thread. I would also like to state I am aware that they need to be in groups with 4 at a minimum, problem is just finding some more of the same species. As you can see by my sig, i have done some tank switching and they are in my 55 gallon with 5 rabauti corys. Im still having trouble finding some more similar species (i recognize that "juliis" are many different species that look quite similar). It seems that many are a little worried about them and i can assure you that they are in good hands and will be in a larger group soon! Once, again thanks to all for the advice and kind words, i am sorry if this post ran long.... until next time :)


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