Rescued Fish Help?

haha there is nothing wrong with Sushi

its a cool name for a cool little O

i would definately call them Ripper and Fin
well they have been named

Waldorf and Statler

(two grumpy old men muppets?) they just suit them so well!

Fishes looking fantastic today, they even ate!!!!!!! one of the cheeky boogers even gulped down a fly that unfortunatly crash landed in the bath!

Tank is being filled as i type (half past midnight and its not even quarter filled, gonna be here all night!!!) mature filter media goes in tomorrow, then hopefully we shouldnt have to wait too long before they can go in!!!

will post more pics tomorrow, still need some help id'ing the catfish, and also some help with foods for all the fish? have cichlid pellets and catfish sinking pellets, also threw in some frozen red mozzie larvae today and they wolfed it down!

i cant wait to see them back to full health!
this thread is becoming such a happy ending...i love it.

keep us posted!!!

Peter and Sushi haha
ok another question, (have posted this elsewhere but i'll stick it here to)

i have a bit of a dilemma now. i bought the tank to rehome my large plec and two angels in to, that was the sole reason for buying a biggy!

im guessing i will be unable to do this now? could oscars live with other fish (except the catfish) or are they likely to fight bite and be gone?

if its a big no no, i now have the dilemma of deciding who to rehome elsewhere, angels and plec or my two new babes :(

either that or get rid of the living room table and squeeze in another tank!! (i live in a small appartment lol have already got rid of my 'office', boy'fs train tables and the tv/multimedia centre to make way for tanks)!)
hi spishkey, its sunds like you are doing a great job :) my oscar lives with plecs( 3 large), and dosent have a problem with them ( he just nudges them to another bit of the window if he gets fed up) but as far as the feather fin cat fish (long whisker things) i have one in another tank that i own and have seen him to be a bit of a bully to anyone that comes near his bit of wood, tho they are bottom dwellers so that may be enough, but id say if they are all happy ( as they can be) together in the bath, then they should be fine in the tank, but it certainly wont hurt to try , tho about the angelfish, im sorry im really not sure on this one, i would have thought that the oscars would see them as "toys" i have 5 but again in a totally diffrent tank to the oscar and the catfish,be a shame if they had to go, but im not even thinking about putting you on a guilt trip after the amazing job your doing, im afraid it will have to be your call,in my opinion i wouldnt put angels with oscars... but then again others amy disagree.. so fingers crossed they do :)

your sounding a lot like me, my sons train tables and lots of other stuff had to move out of their spaces to make room for the tanks,,, dont worry you wont feel bad about it for long :lol:
the only thing i wouldnt advise doing, is getting shot of anything that you will regrett later-- bum can get sore after sitting on the floor for 3 hours to watch a movie beacause the sofa had to go !!

lots a luv
Ahhhhh Man

that it terrible, treating them that way.

your O's ar going to be stunning.

best of luck with everything.

why nt just clone your other tanksand just add 50% mix of watr from them. instant cycle. its the way that i always set up larger tnaks without any probs.

Squeeze dirty media into this tanks filter and just chuck inthe old tank water = hey presto it works, never had any probs doing it this way.
well i was gonna stick some pics up this morning as promised but the bulb has just blown in the bathroom! (suppose it caused by all the 'wetness' in there at the moment!) so im off to buy a new bulb in a bit!

may i ask how often oscars should be fed? i dont want to give them loads (although they seem so hungry) incase i upset them, what with them possibly not eating properely for a while and having different food here.

what kind of things other than pellets can they eat? they ate red worm things yesterday and pinched the catfishs pellets. they also had there pellets.
well i was feeding mine 3 times a day and got told off for it, once a day is plenty,they can have prawns too (cooked) mine love them :) little bits
ew prawns lol!

do they eat veggies too or just peas? i understand they need a vary varied diet
yes.sorry boiled squished peas are great too, i use those, and i put cucumber in for my plecs but jambo never shows an interest in that, try diffrent things,you`ll soon get to know what they like :)
but basically whatever i put in the tank, if it fits in his mouth he will eat it :nod: he also adores.. freeze dried shrimp.. disgusting to look at but they are like chocolate to him :lol:
dont feed them flakes tho, i feel they are a waste of flakes and also i worry about how much air he will swallow tring to gulp some down, anyway oscars dont need woosie flakes :lol:
hi spishkey, its sunds like you are doing a great job :) my oscar lives with plecs( 3 large), and dosent have a problem with them ( he just nudges them to another bit of the window if he gets fed up) but as far as the feather fin cat fish (long whisker things) i have one in another tank that i own and have seen him to be a bit of a bully to anyone that comes near his bit of wood, tho they are bottom dwellers so that may be enough, but id say if they are all happy ( as they can be) together in the bath, then they should be fine in the tank, but it certainly wont hurt to try , tho about the angelfish, im sorry im really not sure on this one, i would have thought that the oscars would see them as "toys" i have 5 but again in a totally diffrent tank to the oscar and the catfish,be a shame if they had to go, but im not even thinking about putting you on a guilt trip after the amazing job your doing, im afraid it will have to be your call,in my opinion i wouldnt put angels with oscars... but then again others amy disagree.. so fingers crossed they do :)

your sounding a lot like me, my sons train tables and lots of other stuff had to move out of their spaces to make room for the tanks,,, dont worry you wont feel bad about it for long :lol:
the only thing i wouldnt advise doing, is getting shot of anything that you will regrett later-- bum can get sore after sitting on the floor for 3 hours to watch a movie beacause the sofa had to go !!

lots a luv

Yeah feather fin cats love there own space for some reason,they are pretty active when there big and EXTREMELY curious so may bug your fish from time to time.My one used to bug my clown knife every day and then one day my clown knife bit it's tail and stopped it in it's tracks lol eventually it's tail ripped and it got away, god did he get a shock that day hehe :lol:
bit of a not so good update - got the lighting in the bathroom fixed and put in a better bulb, so for the first time i could see the fish 'properely' not in dull light.
it seems statler has hole in the head. there is a small deep hole just above his nostrils but lower than his eyes.

what do i need to treat this? it is luckily only small but very deep looking.

edit - on even closer inspection and after googling, both have pits down their lateral line, i thought they were just scars or markings :(

how do i up their vitimin C intake?

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