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black angel

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 7, 2004
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Our little pig hasnt been doing too well for a bit now and at 4 years i thought it was old age catching him up.
He now wont eat, drink or move.
Ive tried giving water via a straw but he takes very little.
Ive been looking at symptoms and the closest i can find is scurvy. I was always under the impression that guinea food had enough vit c in it for them, maybe not.
The only thing he would eat was grass and dandelion leaves but now its nothing. I really wish i had taken him to the vet on friday but he wasnt too bad.
Hubby is away looking for vit c to add to his water. Fingers crossed i can get him to a vet tomorrow.

Anyone suggest a soft food he might be tempted to eat
Ive bought him food that has high vitamin count so i got him kale and some watercress, spinach, rocket mix and he ignored the mix but ate the kale so thats good. Given him some haliborange vitamin drops so hope that is ok as well.
Hopefully get him to the vet tomorrow.
I realised that the food he has been getting probably hasnt been enough in vitamins but not sure. His usual diet is dried food with extra vit c, green beans, cucumber, dark leaved lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, brocolli, apple, grapes, tiny bit of banana now and again.
Maybe he needed more in the way of things like kale and other cabbages.
Guinea pig food rarely contains enough vitamin c, least of all in a stable form, it's always best to supplement on the vitamin c.

Sounds like you're on the right track for veggies, at least. Offer an orange and see if he'll take it.
I forgot to buy oranges :(
I hope the kale has enough in it as well.

He is starting to move around a bit more and fighting when i give him the drink.

Thanks for the input Kiarra :)
Take him to a vet right away! I don't know what's wrong, but 4 years sounds like it's not old enough for him to be dying of old age. Not eating or drinking or running around at all is a very bad sign. Maybe one of his foods had some pesticides on it?? Is there anything in your yard (or where you get dandelion leaves) that could be toxic? Someone might have dropped something on your lawn without you knowing it.

I hope he pulls through!

Has he been passing normal bowel movements? Piggies are prone to GI stasis. If the problem is mere vit. C deficiency, it should be easy enough to treat, but a veterinarian really should be consulted to be certain; diagnosis over the net is insufficient I'm afriad.
He went to the vet yesterday and he got antibiotics. He was convulsing this morning so had to go back and was put to sleep
:-( Sorry to hear that black angel.

Terrible thing to loose a pet. But I'm sure you did what was best for the little man.

RIP Piggy.

oh Black Angel, I'm so sorry to hear about your little man. I have 5 guineas and have kept them for years and it's never easy when you lose any pet

I'm sure you did everything you could for him, and although you are sad now remember all the times he made you laugh and the love he gave you
Sorry about that,
If you do ever get another one. Pecies of orange and brussels are very high in vit C. Also theu love em.
Truly sorry, i know what its like to lose pets. Budgies, hamsers, my cat run away ect.

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