
cheesy feet

Fish Aficionado
Jul 27, 2006
Reaction score
Royal python





Female and male breeding leopard gecko's


Old pic of the male, will have to get a new photo.
Chinese water dragon


Also I have 3 adult corn snakes, will add pics of them later!
I have a royal thats around 3ft in length, a king snake thats over 3ft in length, and a leopard gecko thats 9 years old. I have been bitten by all of them ( my fault though). and 3 mediteranian tortoises that are over 20 years old, that i have never been bitten by :p

In the past we've had a range of reptiles, I'll name a few, skinks, gecko's, bearded dragon, water dragon, iguana, ball pythons, corn snakes, royal python, king snakes, thats what i can remember.
All of which lived for a very long time, and died of old age. but our iguana who i loved had to be put to sleep beacause he had a tumour that was growing at fast rate. :-( i would love another one just like him.

The ball python we had was over 7ft in length and was called bandit, he got so big we used to feed him (dead) rabbits. Once he reached nearlly 7 foot we arranged to give him to bristol zoo, because he was too big for us to keep. We kept him in a enclosure that was 4 foot long, 3 foot wide and 8 foot high.
But sadly he died in bristol zoo 3 years ago, not sure why but what i am sure of is that they looked after him very well as we went to see him around 4 years ago.

We are looking to get pygmi chameleons soon :D
I envy all of you!
I love reptiles especially snakes but my mom hates snakes and I have a hedgehog instaed of a beardie
as oon as I get y own place its corn snake time (fav especially creamsical) :shout:
That Chinese water dragon looks awsome, what size vivarium do you keep it in? I bet I won't have room!

Also its a bit rude calling it "it" so is it a he or a she? :p
I have a royal thats around 3ft in length, a king snake thats over 3ft in length, and a leopard gecko thats 9 years old. I have been bitten by all of them ( my fault though). and 3 mediteranian tortoises that are over 20 years old, that i have never been bitten by :p

In the past we've had a range of reptiles, I'll name a few, skinks, gecko's, bearded dragon, water dragon, iguana, ball pythons, corn snakes, royal python, king snakes, thats what i can remember.
All of which lived for a very long time, and died of old age. but our iguana who i loved had to be put to sleep beacause he had a tumour that was growing at fast rate. :-( i would love another one just like him.

The ball python we had was over 7ft in length and was called bandit, he got so big we used to feed him (dead) rabbits. Once he reached nearlly 7 foot we arranged to give him to bristol zoo, because he was too big for us to keep. We kept him in a enclosure that was 4 foot long, 3 foot wide and 8 foot high.
But sadly he died in bristol zoo 3 years ago, not sure why but what i am sure of is that they looked after him very well as we went to see him around 4 years ago.

We are looking to get pygmi chameleons soon :D
7ft!?That must be a world record!Biggest i've ever heard of was 6ft.Although it can't of been a he as they rarely get over 4ft. :shifty: She's (the breeder probed her) getting to 3ft, only a few inches off.

At the moment my ones still being picky and hasn't eaten in some months, as it's getting warmer i'm hopeing she'll begin to eat again.Shes captive bred and so are her parents but has always been a picky feeder. :rolleyes: She has been kept in a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft enclosure but is moving to a 3ft x 3ft x 2ft.

Pygmy's are such small little things, you'll be amazed if you've ever seen them in person.

The geckos are for my breeding project, she's laid 1 egg and theres still 2-3 to come, and she will lay up to 5 eggs every 2-3 weeks.I did attempt breeding them last year but most the eggs were infertile.And when there was fertile looking eggs I was round my mums and my dad didn't really know what to do without harming them. :rolleyes:

Next on my list is a BRB or, if I can scrounge the money ever a fijian iguana :drool: :drool:

That Chinese water dragon looks awsome, what size vivarium do you keep it in? I bet I won't have room!

Also its a bit rude calling it "it" so is it a he or a she? :p

He (Mr.Spazz) was in a 4ft x 3ft x 2ft enclosure but is moving to a 5ft x 5ft x 2ft (just need to get the glass in and the backing on).I'm hoping to get a trio and breed these aswell.

nice pics
do you belong to any good reptile forums?
I usto be very active on and occassionaly visit forum...Do you?
I have to ask...what is the bluish thing on the mouth of the Dragon?

Beautiful reptiles, though! I used to have a male Leopard Gecko, female Diadema Rat Snake and a Bearded Dragon. Had a few Pacman Frogs, too. I loved 'em all except the snake lol I'm terrified of snakes, that's why I bought the Diadema for my boyfriend for his birthday haha Tried to get over my fear...sorta worked.
Lol, the blue stitch is removed now, when I was treating him for a fungal infection he bit down so hard on the tube he broke his jaws directly down the middle, and then needed stitches to heal itself together.I powerdered his food with extra calcium and it healed in around a month.
I cannot tell...Is that sand or paper towel in your leo's cage?

I've always wanted a snaked, but my mum is deathly afraid of that's a no go. I'm looking into getting leo again soon. I might be getting a tarantula too, and may start breeding Archispirostreptus gigas ( Giant African Millipedes ) as well.

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