Rena Filtstar XP3 MEdia


Dec 19, 2004
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Boston, MA
Hi i have a Rena Filstar XP3 canister fileter, and iw as wondering from you people thta hve these filters, what types of medias/foams to u have in it? What seems to work best?
I have an XP3, and use (from the bottom up) ceramic pre-filter media, foam, ceramic bio media, then floss. Seems to work well this way!
The pre filter media is Fluval, the foam is rena, the bio media is fluval (I think) and the floss is Marina. I don't use carbon in any of my filters unless I am specifically removing meds or other stuff!!
doesn't hurt to use it, but it costs!!! it becomes ineffective after about 2-3 weeks and then needs to be replaced, so the companies make more money off you if they tell you to use it all the time!!
Okay thanks rvm yea i think ill stop using it after this 1 expires. Youve ben a real help, appreciate it ;)

Canarsie what exactly is the bio zorb do, also do you guys think i should use nitra zorb if im not having plants in my tank?

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