Rekord 120 And Rekord 95 Both For £100

Ok Update !!

I have spoke to the guy through messages on ebay etc, and have arranged to go view the tanks tmrw night ;) I can make up my mind then if i like them or not, although my b/f says, " I know you will get them " Lol, i dont know what he means lol :rolleyes: The only thing bothering me is this..... Some of the fish he is giving away with it, i wouldnt mind, but some of them i dont really want, how do i say this, without sounding ungrateful, or should i just take them, and give them away or sell them??????????

C x :*

This is my plan, what do you think???

I was planning on keeping my vision 180 taking the fish out of there, that i have recently put in, due to my accident with my other tank, and putting them into the Rekord 120, then the Rekord 96 i was thinking about keeping as a guppy tank what do people think?? should i put the platies in with the guppies, or just keep it for the guppies?? Decisions, decisions, and i havnt even seen the tanks yet lol :lol: :lol:

C x

Ooooooooooh i also forget to say lol
:lol: :lol: The reason he is selling these 2 tanks, is he has bought or is buying a great big one, to house his Discus in, and his friend is storing them for him in his tank till hes ready, he told me his friend breeds Discus :hey: this is very interesting to know, as he lives in the same village as me lol.... :lol:

Sorry for rambling.... :rolleyes:

C x
I cant see him wanting to keep the fish so you could take them and sell them or give them away to someone or a lfs. Hope it goes ok! :)
Well i hope hes got some bags, cos i havnt lol :lol: Not for that many fish anyway.... He has some Ottos, i dont even know what these are, well i have seen pics of them, but thats it, are they easy to care for or should i sell them too??

He has 25 platies, i dont think i will be keeping all of them, maybe a couple....

The guppies he is giving away i may keep, and definately the clown loaches, as i have these types already :wub:

C x
I've been trying to read up about ottos today actually, I believe they are bottom feaders feeding off algae and anything that sinks to the bottom. And they should be kept in small groups. I probably got that wrong so I hope someone with more knowledge can come along and let you know!
From looking at what fish you have now and what you might have you're going to have a huge collection! :lol:
Well, i wasnt planning on keeping all 25 of his platies.... somehow, i dont really want that many lol :lol: I will ask my lfs if they want them :D

C x
Sounds like a good deal if everything is in good nick ! He might not want the hassle of rehoming the fish you don't want, so you might as well take them all and just give the ones you don't want tot he lfs ?
No harm in asking though.

Good luck ! :thumbs:
Well i dont think he has another tank yet, as he is using the money to buy a big tank for some Disucs, so i will take them all, and give them away....

Once i have the fish, and make sure there ok, i will give people on here the first option if they want any....

Then i will ring my Lfs to see if they want the rest...

He has

25 Platies
15 Guppies
6 Ottos
3 Clown Loach
2 SwordTails

I think i will be keeping the Guppies and Clown Loach, dont know about others yet, till i see them...

Claire x
If i get the tanks, can i set them straight up and add fish? They are currently still set up with fish in there, so i was thinking of taking the filter media/sponges/gravel etc, bagging it up, to keep the bacteria safe, then adding water, getting to correct temperature, then testing it...

What do you think? Yes or No?

C x :*
Really?? Would someone buy it, when it needs 1 new pane of glass? :hyper: Cool ! Its only 5 months old, i have a stand to go with it too, the stand + tank cost me £100, so i dont know what i would get for it really :/

C x

we've just salavged a tank that a pet shop was going to throw aaway as it was cracked along the bottom all we've done is get a piece of glass cut and sealed the glass and its now totally waterproof

i might be intrested in the tank depending where its smashed drop us a PM if you like... what size is it?

Just got back from viewing the 2 tanks, and i am pleased to say i am having them :hey: :drool: :lol:

Rekord 120 and 96

She had alot of fish, but said she didnt mind if i didnt want them, as she would take them to her lfs :D

So i decided i would keep her 3 Clown Loaches, 15 Guppies, 1 Albino Bristlenose Plec.

The Platies and swords and tetras are going to the Lfs, and her friend is having the Ottos....

I will be picking the tanks up on Wednesday, it is going to be like a military mission, as there new tank comes tmrw, they need to set that up, take the fish no one wants back to the lfs, empty my tanks out on wed, saving bacteria from substrate and filters....and bag the fish up i am having, then get the tanks and fish home, then set everything up, lol, im going to be in for a fun night lol

C x

Well, good luck, sounds like good ol'fashioned fun! Will be doing the same myself tomorrow, except with thirty foot long Koi!

Good to hear that you have got it all sorted, maybe some pics when you have it all worked out eh?

Yey! :)

I thought you'd end up getting them! :lol: Bet you're so excited and it's good news that you aren't getting fish you don't want! I read that someone on one of you other threads wants to know about your broken tank!
I really do think that if you cant find a buyer on here you should advertise it!

Good luck,

Kris :)
Yipee ! :thumbs:
Best of luck getting it set up and settled :)

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