Refugium (anybody Know)


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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I searched here, read online, and books I've gotten so far but haven't found any thing good on these that I'm looking for. I have any aquaclear 20, small yes but I could fit a 3" sand bed and some LR rubble in it, would this be ok if I don't have any light on it for a bit but it's next to a window so it would get some natural light also. Or should I just use the HOB as a place to put rowaphos and water movement.

Thanks :good:
You could use a HOB filter to run water through Chemical Media, or as a small refugium. A few people have often used HOB's for 'fuges here at TFF. Im sure there are some topics, and search through the Journals, there might be some mods in their you can see. A search for "Refugium" in Titles only.
OOO, thanks. I seached but didn't know you can seach only title only. Thanks I'm still getting used to the seach function, works now with the last board upgrade.

Basic scan shows I need some light, guess I'll go ahead and try my idea.
noooooooo lighting is an absolute must!

o ya and water flow is to

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