Reducing Nitrate Levels


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
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A Place Called Vertigo
My tank's PH, ammonia and nitrite levels are all fine, but the Nitrate level is very high. 50mg/l +. I have tested my tapwater and found that this to be around 25 mg/l +-.

I plan to do more frequent 25% water changes and reduce feeding amounts to see if this helps.

Is there anything else I can try? I have read about stuff you can add to the water which reduces nitrates.

Any more info would be great! :good:
I would advise doing perhaps more frequent water changes, but that's it. 50ppm is well within the tolerated range.

No ill effects (long or short term) have been noted in any scientific study I have heard of or seen with nitrates of less than 100ppm.
Best way I have found is to have good lighting and grow tons of plants. It sort of depends what kind of fish you have too. Are they fish that will dig up plants for instance. There are also filter mediums which will grow anaerobic bacteria which eat nitrates but I haven’t had much luck with those. I’m kind of testing a new product called algone at the moment but I cant recommend it yet.
Best way I have found is to have good lighting and grow tons of plants. It sort of depends what kind of fish you have too. Are they fish that will dig up plants for instance. There are also filter mediums which will grow anaerobic bacteria which eat nitrates but I haven’t had much luck with those. I’m kind of testing a new product called algone at the moment but I cant recommend it yet.

I replanted just the other day with plenty of new plants, so we shall see. The fish I have don't dig plants so that's ok.
Do the water changes and feed less food more often rather than more food less often. Also, putting in new filter media is a good idea the stuff caught in it will still rot and produce nitrates. (Be careful as most filter media carry the majority of a tank's bacteria to convert ammonia to nitrite/nitrate)
I've found a nitrate removal sponge for the filter works wonders. I had nitrates of 180 ish last week, they're now down to 50. I have been doing water changes, but I was also doing that before and it wasn't proving very effective. Give the media a go. :)
Aquamedic do an Nitrate Filter which is brilliant. Another option would be to buy some RO water from the local petshop. My tapwater is very hard so i find that when i do water changes using 2/3 rds tapwater with 1/3 RO water very effective. As mentioned earlier plants should also be a great help.
I too have been battling to reduce my nitrate levels recently. I have reduced feeding, and have always done regular water changes.
However, I didn't think about using part RO water so thanks for that tip, Magyver2744 - I shall try it. The tap water in my area has a nitrate level of about 25, so it's there to begin with.

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