Red Tailed Shark


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2005
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north lincs, england
I've been thinking about getting a red tailed shark for a while but i'm worried that it will attack my panda corys which i don't want because they are my favourite fish. I would make more hiding places for it if i got one but i just wanted to be sure before i got one. I've read up on them and some websites say that they can be be a bit agressive towards other bottom feeders. Do any of you keep them happily or unhappily with corys.
Any help appreciated.
My tank is 40uk gallons, dont know what that is in US gallons. Surely if i gve it enough hiding places to make it feel secure it should be less likely to attack.
He won't touch your cory's at all. I had them for years in a community tank. There basically only agressive towards each other, so only get one. They like caves or hidding places. They also eat algae all day long.
The tank size is good as that the size of tank they need, it up to you, good luck anyway.
I had a red tail shark that got extremely aggressive towards my other fish. I had to take him out. They are territorial and will defend it, so make sure you have several places for it to hide and feel secure.
Wow he's lovely and healthy looking.
I'd say it depends on the personality of the fish you buy... Some people can find that if they buy one it can be so aggressive all their other fish die of stress whilst others say their Red tail wouldn't hur a fly ("wouldn't hurt a neon" seems more appropraite ;))

Also read somewhere that if you buy 3 they only tend to bully themselves. If you get one it may bully other fish. If you buy 2 one will bully the other and nothing else. If you buy 3 the bullying is shared out between the less dominate 2 and they can cope with that quite fine.

It's really just a case of try and see - Just make sure you have a spare tank handy incase they don't get along.... and if you don't make sure that the shop you buy it from will allow you to return him.

I've never kept them before... I'm only basing my answer on what I've read or learnt from other keepers so excuse me if any of the above is incorrect.
I'd say it depends on the personality of the fish you buy... Some people can find that if they buy one it can be so aggressive all their other fish die of stress whilst others say their Red tail wouldn't hur a fly ("wouldn't hurt a neon" seems more appropraite ;))

Also read somewhere that if you buy 3 they only tend to bully themselves. If you get one it may bully other fish. If you buy 2 one will bully the other and nothing else. If you buy 3 the bullying is shared out between the less dominate 2 and they can cope with that quite fine.

It's really just a case of try and see - Just make sure you have a spare tank handy incase they don't get along.... and if you don't make sure that the shop you buy it from will allow you to return him.

I've never kept them before... I'm only basing my answer on what I've read or learnt from other keepers so excuse me if any of the above is incorrect.

Red tail sharks are not that aggressive when they are young. Once they start to grow, thats when they get aggressive. Its best to keep one per tank. If you dont, like you said, the bigger one will pick on the smaller on until it changes to a white color to try and blend in with the other fish or it get so stressed out, it may die. Some people say you can keep 6 or more of them together and they wont be as aggressive, but I have never tried that.

They are great fish, Ive just had bad luck with them so far.
there was a guy on here (who's not around too much anymore) that was suckered by his LFS into the whole 6 or more balances out the aggression. what he got was a small warzone in his tank and had to start looking for a cheap 120g tank to upgrade into once the 6 RTBS grew up!

RTBS should not be kept as anything other than individuals and should not be kept with anything remotely shark-like.
I'd say it depends on the personality of the fish you buy... Some people can find that if they buy one it can be so aggressive all their other fish die of stress whilst others say their Red tail wouldn't hur a fly ("wouldn't hurt a neon" seems more appropraite wink.gif)

I think this is probably the fairest post in the topic.

RTBSs are individuals, some can be absolute lunatics where as others, particularly those kept in the right environment (good water quality, plenty of caves, good sized tank) are excellent community fish. Yes people should be careful with them, but I do think their reputation is rather unfair on them as I think the more aggresive fish you hear about are not kept as they should be.

Personally I have mine in with two SAEs they get along fine and I have no concerns about the shark attacking them. For anyone considering them as an option for their tank I would highly recommend them as long as they have a tank large enough and are prepared to get to know the personality of their fish once it's mature before adding anything else which could be an issue.

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