Red Tailed Shark

RTBS are very aggressive to their own kind and similar looking species but their behaviour is pretty much limited to chasing other fish. They do little physical harm, if any but their actions can cause deaths resulting from the stress they can cause.

If a fish actually stands up to a RTBS, they will generally back down. I recently had to put one of my Mbuna in my community tank for a couple of days because of some aggression problems (getting picked on). This little guy is about and inch and a half long compared to my fully grown 6 inch RTBS. My RTBS went for him and the little guy didn't bat an eyelid, the RTBS didn't know what to do, next thing you know, little Mbuna is chasing the shark around lol. A RTBS is certainly no match for any Mbuna but this guy is a baby.

RTBS are wonderful fish, mine was the 1st fish I ever bought and he's still going string 5 years on. :D
I have one, we call her ruby. She can be terratorial, but providing your tank is well planted and offers plenty hiding places, they can generally be quite passive.
I've never had any problems with mine and i keep her with neons, guppys etc.

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