Red Tail Black Shark Tankmates?

Yes i agree, i don't know where are these large size estimates of RTBS come from (i've been hearing people saying stuff like this for years)- personally i have never seen an RTBS larger than 5inches and have never heard of anyone actually owning one larger than 6inches. I think there is a lot of misinformation on these fishes sizes, maybe people are getting RTBS confused with some other similar looking type of shark species like Black Sharks/Labeo chrysophekadion or something like that?

I did once have someone "prove" that RTBS grow to 2 or three feet. the picture posted was of a Red tailed Catfish!! one wonders about the safty of that fish! as, only, people who have never kept RTBS, could make that mistake. the question has to be, "why do they post at all"?
to me, its upsetting to read. "my RTBS has jumped out of the tank"! or "my RTBS has killed my????". as i have stated. the RTBS in now, considered as "extinct" in the wild. that means the worlds stock of RTBS, are now in our tanks. is is not, incumbent, upon us to, try, and ensure, what's left, is looked after properly? however upset that makes people, when you point out their errors.
RTBS need a 20 gallon or larger... im gunna be puting one in a 30 gallon soon...
I wasn't trying to be misleading and I meant on it's own!

Tank Size : 10 gallon or larger.

i suggest you change the site you use for information. better still, know what you are talking about before offering, "stupid", incorrect info, to those wishing guidance.

there is not a "chance in hell", an RTBS can be kept in a 10 gallon tank. except as fry!
Calm down, instead of insulting him how about politely helping him. You are not the king and you don't know everything, you're acting like a fool.

I have a Red Tail SHark in a 10 gallon community tank and he is fine so it depends on what Red Tail Shark it is all are different personalities.
Holy thread revival, Batman!

Keeping a Red Tailed Black Shark in a 10 gallon tank is not just about aggression, it is also about the fact that they should reach close to 15cm and they are not sedate fish. As they get bigger, they get bolder and that sometimes boils over into spitefulness, so due to the territorial nature of adults and their size, 4-foot tanks with very carfelly selected bottom dwellers if any) are considered the best solution. If I rehomed my ten Persian Killifish in my Korrall60 tank and replaced them with a single adult RTBS, yet alone with some tankmates, it would be so wrong...
I have a Red Tail SHark in a 10 gallon community tank and he is fine so it depends on what Red Tail Shark it is all are different personalities.

I honestly don't see how a fish that grows to about six inches (as well as being quite active) can possibly be happy in a tank that can't be more than 24x12x12.

That give it four times it's own length long ways, and twice from side to side; you can't think that's right, surely?

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