NO you can not keep am RTBS, in a 10 gallon tank! even as a adolescent, it needs 2-3 times that volume. not only will the RTBS suffer, but it would kill any fish you have with it. (not that there are many fish, except bettas, that can live in such a small tank)! the RTBS, alone, will need 40+ gallons.
personally, i think the tank is too small for the dinos. perhaps if you do some research on the fish you wish to keep, you may have better luck.
ok so my answer to the op. concise, polite and, backed by all members ((posting on this thread, who know about RTBS). but true, i make a "personal" comment on dinos being too big for such a small tank, (also backed up by members with knowledge of these fish).
I wasn't trying to be misleading and I meant on it's own!
Scientific Name : Epalzeorhynchus bicolor
Common Names : Red Tailed Shark, Red Tail Black Shark, Red Tailed Labeo, Fire Tail, Labeo bicolor
Care Level : Easy, good for freshwater beginners
Size : Up to 6 inches (15 cm)
pH : 6.5 - 7.5
Temperature : 73°F - 79°F (23°C - 26°C)
Water Hardness : 10° to 16° dH,
Lifespan : 5 - 8 years
Origin / Habitat : Thailand
Temperament / Behavior : These fish can be hostile and are not recommended for community fish tanks with smaller tropical fish. They seem to behave when kept with larger fish.
Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : Very difficult to breed in the home fish tank.
Tank Size : 10 gallon or larger.
Compatible Tank Mates : Larger tropical fish given their aggressive nature but none large enough to eat them. It is not recommended to keep them with the Rainbow Shark unless your tank is sufficiently larger.
now this post!
the profile is, faulty at best. and the tanks size, potentially dangerous for the fish. even a little research (on behalf of the poster) would have shown up this "low quality" profile. now we higher posters have a responsibility to, less experienced members. ignoring if it is true, for the moment, or not. high post counts lead people to believe that the information given is of "high quality". now a nub could be forgiven for taking this (rubbish) profile as being "totally true". therfore, armed with the knowledge that they got info from a reliable source, why should the nub look any further? in truth the RTBS is a very good community fish, that likes a bit of "catch and tig". but given enough space, will worry no fish (with the exception of other RTBs or Rainbow). it is a beautiful and energetic fish, and makes a fine addition to any community.
the above is why i chose to point out "glolite" had made such a basic error.
as for upsetting people? people often take offence to being "told" they are wrong. it happens to me, and will, now doubt, happen to most of us at some stage. you take it and learn, not try and defend an indefensible stance.
10 gallons is too small even for a juvi RTBS, it simply does not have the area needed to developed. as pointed out by all those who posted on the topic (ok one thinks 20x30cm is ok, few if anybody else would) 40 ukg is a minimum tank size for these fish. indeed as adults 60+ ukg should be your target (minimum).
and another "trueisum", "I'll be getting a bigger tank next year". it very rarely happens. i mean on offence, but few "bigger tanks" ever turn up. those who do get the "bigger" tank, often had a "proper sized tank in the first place. buy fish, only, for the size of tank you have now. when and if you get a bigger tank, buy the fish for it then. i know its hard to ignore the fish you want, i suffered too, but in the end its something you must do.
if the above sentence seems, stupid or bossy, you may be in the wrong hobby. you may not like my advice, but none of it is incorrect in any way.