Red Tail Black Shark Tankmates?


New Member
Jul 17, 2009
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-Would I be able to put one red tail shark with 6 zebra danios in a 10 gallon tank?
-If so, would I be able to add anyting else? Something along the lines of an algae eater.

-What are good tankmates for red tail sharks in a 10 gallon?

Yes you could keep one red tailed shark in a 10 g but avoid other shark-like fish as the ruby shark can become very aggressive towards them.
i would have thought that tank was possibly to small as the smaller the tank, the more aggressive the red tails are!
-Would I be able to put one red tail shark with 6 zebra danios in a 10 gallon tank?
-If so, would I be able to add anyting else? Something along the lines of an algae eater.

-What are good tankmates for red tail sharks in a 10 gallon?


NO you can not keep am RTBS, in a 10 gallon tank! even as a adolescent, it needs 2-3 times that volume. not only will the RTBS suffer, but it would kill any fish you have with it. (not that there are many fish, except bettas, that can live in such a small tank)! the RTBS, alone, will need 40+ gallons.

personally, i think the tank is too small for the dinos. perhaps if you do some research on the fish you wish to keep, you may have better luck.

Yes you could keep one red tailed shark in a 10 g but avoid other shark-like fish as the ruby shark can become very aggressive towards them.
way to totally mislead a member needing advice! if you don't know, don't post! "Simples".
A 10 gallon is way way too small. I just had to take a RTBS back to the shop because it chased every other fish in the tank non stop. I wouldn't have another one unless i had a tank of at least 200 litres and even then i'd ensure its tankmates were bigger than him
I wasn't trying to be misleading and I meant on it's own!

Scientific Name : Epalzeorhynchus bicolor

Common Names : Red Tailed Shark, Red Tail Black Shark, Red Tailed Labeo, Fire Tail, Labeo bicolor

Care Level : Easy, good for freshwater beginners

Size : Up to 6 inches (15 cm)

pH : 6.5 - 7.5

Temperature : 73°F - 79°F (23°C - 26°C)

Water Hardness : 10° to 16° dH,

Lifespan : 5 - 8 years

Origin / Habitat : Thailand

Temperament / Behavior : These fish can be hostile and are not recommended for community fish tanks with smaller tropical fish. They seem to behave when kept with larger fish.

Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : Very difficult to breed in the home fish tank.

Tank Size : 10 gallon or larger.

Compatible Tank Mates : Larger tropical fish given their aggressive nature but none large enough to eat them. It is not recommended to keep them with the Rainbow Shark unless your tank is sufficiently larger.
I wasn't trying to be misleading and I meant on it's own!

Tank Size : 10 gallon or larger.

i suggest you change the site you use for information. better still, know what you are talking about before offering, "stupid", incorrect info, to those wishing guidance.

there is not a "chance in hell", an RTBS can be kept in a 10 gallon tank. except as fry!
I wasn't trying to be misleading and I meant on it's own!

Tank Size : 10 gallon or larger.

i suggest you change the site you use for information. better still, know what you are talking about before offering, "stupid", incorrect info, to those wishing guidance.

there is not a "chance in hell", an RTBS can be kept in a 10 gallon tank. except as fry!
Calm down, instead of insulting him how about politely helping him. You are not the king and you don't know everything, you're acting like a fool.
Agree with boboboy here, most sites I have seen before state that minimum tank size should be 40+ gallons

Check this one: Red tailed black shark

Not only the size you'd have to take into consideration but also the aggression as it grows.

I'm guessing you got the info from I'd stay clear of that site from now on.

boboboy whenever i see you post you always seem to be insulting someone. The other guy made a mistake, get over it.
Although depending on the LxWxH of the tank. If the RTBS was on his own then it would be fine. The tank would need to be at least 60cm long and 20cm wide!
to be honest the only person talking sense here is Boboboy,

IME a single RTB or Rainbow shark requires a minimum of 50G+ in order to calm its aggression, When kept with other fish in anything less they can become extremely aggressive due to their instinct of claiming such a large territory.

I would also agree that Danios require a bigger tank too,
to be honest the only person talking sense here is Boboboy,

IME a single RTB or Rainbow shark requires a minimum of 50G+ in order to calm its aggression, When kept with other fish in anything less they can become extremely aggressive due to their instinct of claiming such a large territory.

I would also agree that Danios require a bigger tank too,

All i was saying was that if the RTBS was the only fish kept in the tank then there wouldnt be any other fish for there to be any aggression.
I wasn't trying to be misleading and I meant on it's own!

Tank Size : 10 gallon or larger.

i suggest you change the site you use for information. better still, know what you are talking about before offering, "stupid", incorrect info, to those wishing guidance.

there is not a "chance in hell", an RTBS can be kept in a 10 gallon tank. except as fry!
Calm down, instead of insulting him how about politely helping him. You are not the king and you don't know everything, you're acting like a fool.
he was not asking for help. he was making a statement of fact, and even tried to back up is error. its true i am not the king (though quite what relevance that has ???), but i am correct! if you are giving advice, it should be correct. especially if this advice pertains to the well being of a tropical fish. ten gallons is not a volume error, its a size that will stunt the fish, and cause untold other problems for it too. experienced posters/high posters, have a responsibility (especially if you are advising a novice) to at least check their advice, or better still, have kept the fish being discussed. clearly neither was the case for this poster.

so whos the fool? the guy giving faulty, potential, damaging advice, on how to keep a tropical fish. or the guy who points out the error, underlining the stupidity of the advice?

the RTBS in now EXTINCT in the wild (project red book). don't you think we should look after those we have in the hobby? because there are no more, when they are gone.
if the poster had ever kept a RTBS, or had, even tried, to find the "truth", this would never have come up. i will not shy from highlighting errors of this type, they cause many of the "unnecessary" deaths in or hobby. if that upsets some, tough.
why not compromise on this then?

why not get a RTBS as a juvi and keep him in a 10 gallon, as a youngster he will be very tolerant of other fish [i have kept one fyi!] and upgrade to a larger tank once he gets bigger?

provide caves and retreats for him so he can call that his home [make sure that they are big enough! i found that out teh hard way]

stay away from similar coloured or shaped fish as this may lead him to think that there is another RTBS in the tank!

a more peaceful shark is the ruby/red finned shark, it is relatively peaceful and more tolerant of its own kind, not great but better!

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