Red Sea Max, Or Rekord 96


Fish Addict
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Well i now have a job, and so im going to start saving and then im settin up a nano marine tank. I do however have a simple question, i really like the look of the Red Sea Max tank Click here for Red Sea Max info
However i have a rekord 96 tank which i suppose i could convert Rekord 96 info
The cost of the Red Sea Max isnt a particular problem, as im not in any major rush to set it up and im happy to take my time and utilize patience :)
My question is, what would i be best getting?
if your in no major rush i find it more fun to start from scratch your find yourself learning alot more imo then buying a plug and play system, though the red sea max is slightly bigger and easier to start up, you could get a good set of lights, powerheads live rock for the rekord for cheaper then the rsm though ...
minus the skimmer, the RSM quality is great, theres this website with all the rsm pros and cons, FAQ and forums you can find.
Alright my mind is made up, im going for the Red Sea Max, it'll probably be early next year when i buy it.

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