Sorry to resurrect an old thread but a Google search found it. I saw these little cute red-clawed crabs in the lfs on Fri, £2 each and was going to buy a couple this next week to go in my tank of 10 neons and cories. LFS owner says they're absolutely fine with even small fish. Glad I discovered otherwise here!!! BTW the lfs guy says he feeds his on fish that have died in other tanks, just tosses them in and they have a right feast.
Glad you now know not to get them! Anyone who feeds dead fish (that could have died from a disease or parasites) to another animal isn't someone I would ever want to be selling fish or giving advice to people. My old manager was happy for them to be sold into any old tank and it was heartbreaking to have those people bringing the crabs back after a few weeks because the "evil" crabs had killed a load of their fish. I even know someone who killed their crab because it was attacking their fish

Always do your own research and never trust what one person says