Red Cherry Shrimp

snazy said:
The shrimp visible on the picture are females. They have saddles but are not berried yet. Once they do, you'll see eggs in their belly.
They are red cherry shrimp. Most colour variations and mutations of Neocaridian shrimp came from red cherries so one never knows what genes they carry.
Which of the pictures?
oh i see.. well im now trying to post some cleared pics of my shrimp.
Heh..if able, please help me see my shrimps gender..
heres the link to all my shrimp pics..
just click it and you'll get to see all my shrimp pics 

TheresaK said:
Heh..if able, please help me see my shrimps gender..

heres the link to all my shrimp pics..
just click it and you'll get to see all my shrimp pics 
so are my shrimps ready to mate? but they look small for their size.. 
It says pictures are not publicly available. The females can show saddles when very young but I suppose it takes a while for them to get berried and carry eggs.
snazy said:
It says pictures are not publicly available. The females can show saddles when very young but I suppose it takes a while for them to get berried and carry eggs.
OK. I will copy and paste all the links here... although it may be a lot.
I might upload more of them tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Too busy lately >.<
snazy said:
It says pictures are not publicly available. The females can show saddles when very young but I suppose it takes a while for them to get berried and carry eggs.
Maybe try to create an account and see if you can see all the pics?
In the first of your new pictures one of the shrimp is showing what looks to be a small saddle.

They do look like they are young cherry shrimp (RCS- Red cherry shrimp CRS are Crystal Red Shrimp and a totally different shrimp species), Because of the clear sections on your shrimps sides I suspect that they have the potential to be bred to develop your own line of Rili shrimp. Rili is just a pattern or colour morph attributed to cherry shrimp and is sometimes being used with other shrimp species which can really confuse people.
As stated by Snazy the shrimp will be saddled first and after mating the eggs will be laid in the undertail section of the female shrimp. From here the eggs will be fanned by the female until hatching. Once hatched the shrimplets (baby shrimp) are fully capable of looking after themselves as they are basically just miniature form of their parents.
Once a shrimp is berried it should take roughly 30 days for the shrimplets to hatch but this can be influenced by water temp.
Baccus said:
In the first of your new pictures one of the shrimp is showing what looks to be a small saddle.

They do look like they are young cherry shrimp (RCS- Red cherry shrimp CRS are Crystal Red Shrimp and a totally different shrimp species), Because of the clear sections on your shrimps sides I suspect that they have the potential to be bred to develop your own line of Rili shrimp. Rili is just a pattern or colour morph attributed to cherry shrimp and is sometimes being used with other shrimp species which can really confuse people.
As stated by Snazy the shrimp will be saddled first and after mating the eggs will be laid in the undertail section of the female shrimp. From here the eggs will be fanned by the female until hatching. Once hatched the shrimplets (baby shrimp) are fully capable of looking after themselves as they are basically just miniature form of their parents.
Once a shrimp is berried it should take roughly 30 days for the shrimplets to hatch but this can be influenced by water temp.
Guess that I have all females then.. cause all of them have those saddles. But there's one with a brighter red and I cant see the saddle. Its also probably a female... out of six shrimps I think I got four confirmed females. I hope those two are males and I can have babies..!! Cant wait! If they breed or have babies, I will post up here. Now I just have to let nature take its place.. I'm feeling so excited right now!!
I think I have a male!! :D But I'm not sure... I just got his picture today. Will post it tomorrow.. I guess, if I have time.. I remembered my LFS said that the shrimps that they are selling bred before, so mine is probably adjusting to the new tank I guess? Cause I bought them just two weeks ago...
new update!! i dont know what happened but all my neon tetras died.. so now the tank will be a shrimp tank ><
so is my male shrimp a male one?
Ops, just realized I typed something wrong. The plastic tank is a temporary one, its quite small. I'm upgrading to a new one cause my previous one was leaking water from the bottom.

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