Red Cherry Shrimp

Then get a liquid testing kit and prove me wrong
Test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate.
Then go buy one. API makes a good liquid testing kit, and they sell individual bottles. Get the one to test for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.
I have there are no ammonia nitrate or nitrites
In a tank that small with so many fish, it is impossible to have 0 Nitrates.
You're either lying or you tested incorrectly.

Your tank is still overstocked. No fish that you have will ever be happy in there.

Glowlight Tetras- Minimum of 10 gallons, need 6+ of their own kind to be happy
Black Widow Tetra- Minimum of 20 gallons, need 6+ to be happy
Guppies- Minimum of 10 gallons, ratio of 2 females to 1 male
Scissortail Rasboras- Minimum of 30 gallons, need 6+ to be happy
Penguin Tetras- Minimum of 30 gallons, need 6+ to be happy
I have not tested incorrectly. I use a de nitrifying chemical that gets rid of nitrites nitrates and ammonia and it also dechlorinates the water.

Not to mention I do frequent water changes
Which de-nitrifying chemical? You still won't tell me what it is.

Even with water changes, your tank is overstocked. Either get rid of the all the fish, or get a bigger tank.
It's called amquell plus

How do fish stores cope with lots of fish in a tiny tank?
The fish stores only keep the fish in the tiny tanks for short periods. They are either bought or they die.

You bought these fish without researching their long term needs, and you put them in a tiny tank. Like the fish stores, this would only work for a short amount of time.

You've had them for 8+ weeks, and that is too long.

Either get rid of all the fish, or get a bigger tank. There's no middle ground in this.
The only animal capable of happily being in a 30l for its whole life is a single betta. Or maybe a colony of shrimp.
I have been told by numerous sources that my tank is fine
I'm guessing "numerous soucres" were pet shop employees?

Most of the time, they have no clue about the basics of fishkeeping and tell people their tanks are fine so they keep buying fish, replacing dead fish, etc. It's how pet stores make their money. It's a general rule of thumb to never believe a pet shop employee, or at least take it with a grain of salt. Most of the time, they just want you to buy their stuff.

Who are you going to believe? A pet shop employee working at minimum wage trying to fill his sale's quota or an expierianced fish keeper with reliable knowledge, who gains aboslutely nothing from helping you?
I'm sorry and i know its not what you want to hear but Crossfire is absolutely right, even if we assume the tank is cycled and we assume this chemical product works (which to be honest, i doubt) then this tank stocking is still very inappropriate.

Glowlight tetras - Generally speaking need at least ten gallons
Black widows - Need a larger tank and need to be in a shoal
Guppies - Need a 2:1 female to male ratio
Scissortail - I have these myself and they need to be in a shoal and get way too large, mine must be at least 2 1/2 inches
Penguin fish - Need a shoal and get too big (around 2 1/2 to 3 inches)

This tank is overstocked and the tank can not be 'happily sustaining' the fish as they need to be in properly maintained shoals in a larger tank. I personally would only attempt all these fish in proper shoals in a 100+ litre tank.
I'm sorry and i know its not what you want to hear but Crossfire is absolutely right, even if we assume the tank is cycled and we assume this chemical product works (which to be honest, i doubt) then this tank stocking is still very inappropriate.

Glowlight tetras - Generally speaking need at least ten gallons
Black widows - Need a larger tank and need to be in a shoal
Guppies - Need a 2:1 male to female ratio
Scissortail - I have these myself and they need to be in a shoal and get way too large, mine must be at least 2 1/2 inches
Penguin fish - Need a shoal and get too big (around 2 1/2 to 3 inches)

This tank is overstocked and the tank can not be 'happily sustaining' the fish as they need to be in properly maintained shoals in a larger tank. I personally would only attempt all these fish in proper shoals in a 100+ litre tank.

Thanks Tuxyu3 that was a better way of putting it could put these fish in a 60 litre tank
I don't want to put more petrol in the fire, but if the OP is reluctant to do anything, just let him watch his fish suffer or die at his own conscience. He's not the first one killing fish without caring and I think enough advise is given already. It will just turn into an argument.
Glowlights and guppies could be. Black widows might be an option in that tank size but i have never kept them myself so couldn't say for sure. Personally i wouldn't try it with scissortails and the penguin, it would be better for both the fish and you because if fish are kept in less than ideal conditions you will be the one who has to deal with it.

My personal advice?, get the biggest tank you possibly can, water will be easier to maintain and you can keep more fish and have a wider variety to choose from.

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