Red Cherry Shrimp And Eco-complete


Apr 2, 2007
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Vermont, US
I was wondering if it's afe to keep cherries in a tank with the eco-complete plant substrate? I know there sensitive to metals and it's iron rich, will this effect them?
I was wondering if it's afe to keep cherries in a tank with the eco-complete plant substrate? I know there sensitive to metals and it's iron rich, will this effect them?

It might be best to check with the manufacturers of eco-complete (see below). Shrimps are rather new to the masses of the hobby and I've read many reputable articles with conflicting advice about using ferts in tanks with cherry shrimp so I'm sure you will get the same advice here. Some will say it's fine, others will say not to do it. has:

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Plant fert substrait does not contain copper. Copper is one of the main elements that kill shrimp. I see no harm in adding a shrimp in the tank. Just add slowly.
Plant fert substrait does not contain copper. Copper is one of the main elements that kill shrimp. I see no harm in adding a shrimp in the tank. Just add slowly.

Does it not lower the PH, cherry shrimp seem to do better in higher PH's.If anything I would leave adding the cherrys till the tank matures and stablises.
Plant fert substrait does not contain copper. Copper is one of the main elements that kill shrimp. I see no harm in adding a shrimp in the tank. Just add slowly.

Does it not lower the PH, cherry shrimp seem to do better in higher PH's.If anything I would leave adding the cherrys till the tank matures and stablises.

Doesn't say anything about lowering PH but says it will not raise PH. It's also said to add calcium to the water.
They would be fine I guess, they wont mind if it adds calcium to the water. As long as a tank has is well cycled and has little or no copper, cherry shrimp will do fine in a range of hardness and PH though they prefer alkaline water.

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