Are red cherry shrimp hardy?


Couple of pictures of one of my cherry shrimp. Unfortunately out of the five I got one died within 24 hours so now only have four.
Hello Big. Everything I've read says this species of shrimp is very tough. It tolerates quite a range of water chemistry and temperature. Not so tolerant of poor water conditions. You'll need to keep their water pretty much nitrogen free. This means lots and lots of large, regular water changes. But, this can be said for anything that lives in a closed environment like an aquarium.

That wasn't long... :)

Do you supplement their diet ?
Notsure if you were talking to gwand or me. But no I didn't supplement thier diet.
Yeah, it's my fault, When I answer someone I quote everyone directly but OP's in a thread.

It's Yours, so it's principally addressed to you... How many can you count at once ?!!

If your tank is pretty clean you might want to consider some little additions to make sure that they fatten a bit.
I think there is about 15-20 they are difficult to count so not to sure exactly. At the moment there seems to ve plentiful food for them but will add extra food for them if needed. What food do you recommend if I have to do this?
I think there is about 15-20 they are difficult to count so not to sure exactly. At the moment there seems to ve plentiful food for them but will add extra food for them if needed. What food do you recommend if I have to do this?
Shrimp King Complete, Bacter AE and blanched green vegetables.
I think there is about 15-20 they are difficult to count so not to sure exactly. At the moment there seems to ve plentiful food for them but will add extra food for them if needed. What food do you recommend if I have to do this?

They will eat anything, Fish flakes, Bottom feeders pellets, Algae wafers. Blanked Сucumbers, Zucchini and Carrots. (mine are not really fond of carrots)

For the babies you can crush the food to powder, put some tank water in it and distribute on the plants and decor with a dropper. Go easy on these they are not made to be used this way and can foul the water with time.

Specialized shrimp food are cleaner and formulated with this in mind, Shrimp King, Shrimp Buffet, Hikari Shrimp Cuisine, Repashy Gel Food, Zoo Med Nano Banquet.

GlasGarten Bacter AE. Is a micro powder biofilm enhancer and can be used to promote biofilm production on Driftwood, Almonds leaves and Cholla wood. It significantly improved babies survival rate for me.

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