Red Bellies


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
middx heathrow
when i first got my 4 off a friend whilst bagging them up he told me that they will play dead for a while.i thought he was having me on until i got them home.they spent almost 2 hours laying flat on the bottom not moving at no fish expert but ive never known a fish to do this all red bellies do this?are they in shock or is it some sort of defence thing?
What size tank, pH, size of the piranhas, nitrates, and most importantly temparure? Many piranha are intolerant of tempature swings, so adjusting them to a different tank can be very stressful. Laying on their sides is some what common for red bellies just accliamated to a new tank. If it lasts for more than 24 hours you may have a problem.
they were about 2" at the time i got them.temp 80 nitrates 30 nitrite 0 not sure about the ph i aint checked it for a while.the tank is 4foot but i will be upgrading them to my vision 450 eventually
Oh, so you have had them for a while? They are probably fine now then.

80 Nitrates and 30 nitrites! :crazy:
lol temp=80 nitrate=30 ive had them 2or3 months now i was just wondering why they do it
:lol: oh I see now! Some red bellies just lay on their sides when acclimated to a new because their difference in tempature, pH and whatever, if they are fine now then you have no problem.

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