Red Ants?


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2007
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Ok one morning I was walking Pheobie. When I got to the edge of the neighborhood she started crying and it turns out that she got bit on the foot by a red ant. It really hurt her so I started to carry her home. About half way home she went limped and a little after that she started puking. When I got home we went to the vet and they gave her some stuff for her stomach. She felt better later but it turns out she is allergic to red ants:(
Or bless her.
Get well soon.
I wonder if they carry some bacteria around too. I've heard of it happening to people too actually. Move to Illinois. Our ants are alot less butch. :lol:

Hope she gets well soooon!!
I asked Dan and he says your red ants and our red ants are a whole different world, I remember seeing the fire ants in TX, yuck.

Hope she's better now :) one of my friends dogs is allergic to bees, he got stung on the paw then collapsed in the park, she had to carry this labrador all the way to the vet as it was closer then trying to run home and get the car. yikes.
she is fine now. She was down for a few days but it happened a few weeks ago. I was so scared when it happened I could die! I dont take her up to the park anymore though
Oh, I'm SO glad she's feeling better. I think all of us here know what it's like to have a sick friend. Is there any kind of repellant you can get?? Would your vet know of anything?
Hope she can continue to enjoy the outdoors in some manner.

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