Recommendations: Plant fertilizers


Fish Fanatic
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 20, 2019
Reaction score
Hi Guys,
Just looking for recommendations for plant fertilizers.
I have a planted 5-gallon tank, soon to be home to a male betta.

What type of plants? Root feeders such as sword plants and cryptocorynes need root tablets. Leaf feeders like stem plants and plants attached to decor need liquid fertiliser.

I don't know if they available in Australia, but I use Seachem Flourish root tabs and Seachem Flourish Comprehensive Supplement. [Caution - Seachem make several products with the word 'Flourish' in the name, but for the liquid fert use only the comprehensive supplement one]
The Seachem products listed above are good and I have used them. I also like my friend (and contributor to my website) Greg Sage of Select Aquatics of Erie, Co.'s Rapid Grow Aquatic Plant Fertilizer. Greg has been breading and selling fish for many decades and has an amazing fishroom (take a tour). He did a ton of research into hydroponic fertilizers and with lots of experimentation came up with a dry formula that you mix with water. :)
What type of plants? Root feeders such as sword plants and cryptocorynes need root tablets. Leaf feeders like stem plants and plants attached to decor need liquid fertiliser.

I don't know if they available in Australia, but I use Seachem Flourish root tabs and Seachem Flourish Comprehensive Supplement. [Caution - Seachem make several products with the word 'Flourish' in the name, but for the liquid fert use only the comprehensive supplement one]
I use the same along with a splash of Flourish Iron for my Tiger Lotus.
My first try was Seachem Fliuris plus their Excel. Within a year I switched to Tropica fertilizer and have used it ever since. It has gone though a number of re-brandings but I still use it, I cannot get the 5 litre size in the sates :( I also still use the Excel excepth for when I had a pressurized CO2 added tank.

I still occasionally use some of the SeaChem indivildual ferts- N/P/K, But not as often any longer.

For smaller tanks their pump dispenser is fine. I buy the biggest size I can get and I use the more traditional liquid fert bottles to which I transfer it.

I use Both the Specialized and Premium
Thanks, everyone! They're mostly column feeders so I'm going to give Seachem Flourish a go for now. Thanks again!
Nice imbellis?

Re Flourish: "Refrigeration is recommended 3 months after opening." From the Directions provided by SeaChem.

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