Oh, well fine with me. Most of the angels are currently Juveniles, only 2 adult males. Funny thing is, one of the male (stripes) is always with the other male (Marbs) stripes always fights with the other angels but not marbs, during feeding stripes would always be agressive to everyone but marbs, and stripes is always following marbs around. I think they must be very close friends
I think the juvies are males, maybe a single female. If I have to, I will probably remove some of the female angels or just have the 2 older angels. I want to add more small tetras, and remove the sorority. The congos right now are pretty juvie, they've started to bring out those long fins and colors but not all of them, see when we first got them I took some for my own keeping, those that I took are more developed compared to the others I left in the store, I also took the remaining stock from the store so now they're pretty diverse in terms of development. If I could, Could I maybe remove some females? Maybe 4-6? My current school has about 8 males. If I could I might just remove all the females too, I think we have some more males.
I've been planning on rummy noses as I've heard they are excellent schoolers. I think if possible my stock would end up like this
2-4 Angels
12-18 Congo Tetras
12-24 (?) Rummynoses
My tank is heavily planted so if that makes me able to add more fish then I'd be happy to add more