Recently Added External Filter To Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2008
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Hi all, I recently upgraded to a 210L tank from a 65L. I added the internal filter (Eheim) from the 65L into the 210L along with the Fluval 4 plus internal filter that came along with the tank and fish. I also purchased my first external filter an Eheim Pro 3 2180 which has been running alongside the internal filters for approx four weeks now.
I am not sure how long roughly it can take for the external filter to mature bacteria and when I will be able to remove the internal filters. I was planning on removing them one at a time and obviously carrying out water testing to keep a close eye on the ammonia content, but I really do not know realistically how long to wait. There is no real rush, and I would rather wait than risk some ammonia spikes, some advice would be welcomed!
Thanks in advance for any replies. :unsure:
Quick question, so did the new tank come with fish and a cycled mature filter, plus you have the fish and filter from the old tank.? I am asking this just to check that the current setup has the combined same levels of mature filtering and fish as when they were separate. In other words, was the tank encountering a mini-cycle whilst things leveled out anyway, or were the stats good at this point.

Anyway, in answer to your question (if all things above are ok), I went from a Juwel internal filter to an external eheim filter (no transfer of filter media). It was quite a while ago, but I think I ran both of them together for 2-3 weeks before removing the internal filter. I would wait for others to comment, but my single experience would make me think four weeks would be enough. A lot of people can cycle new tanks in four weeks, but in this case the bacteria are already present and just need to multiply and spread across this new surface area of media.

It's so nice to go from faffing around with less efficient fiddly internal filters to a nice low maintenance eheim!!! Water quality, maintenance and rock solid stats await you :hyper:

Good Luck
Just to clarify the new tank came with fish and matured media however I think the previous owner may have run an external alongside but I'm not completely sure of that.I did indeed add my fish and internal filter with matured media. The water stats are fine,had no ammonia spikes fortunately, and I do a 70% water change weekly.Looks like I may be nearing the filter removal stage! :D
I removed my Juwel internal after a month of running both the internal and external together.
I also cut up the sponges on the internal and put some of the pieces in one of the eheim trays for piece of mind.

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