Thank you for saying that!
My native language is Spanish and I was born and raised in Venezuela, but I attended college and grad school in the US, all my professional experience has been in English-speaking companies, and I have now lived in the US for almost 30 years (first in Pennsylvania for 7 years, now 22 in DC). For all practical purposes I have "native fluency" in English, both oral and written (although I do have a slight Spanish accent in English, which becomes more noticeable when I am nervous. I tell myself that it's "sexy"

). My parents were European, so I'm also somewhat fluent in French, but nowhere near native.
The mathematically inclined of you out there will have noted that since I have lived in the US for 30 years, I must have moved here when I was... <doing math on my head>... Ah, yes, two months old.