Rebirth (Na Style)

Red nose shrimp aye? Need I ask where you got those from :)
I hope with decent flow around the Blyxa it will stay short (i hope, and i do get what you're saying). If it does i have thought of a back up plan...maybe some anubias in place, but for the time being i'm gonna leave it. I do appreciate comments like this as it does make you think about the scape in a few months time. :good:

I have just placed an order on AE, i have ordered some more Alternanthera Rosaefolia (normal size) to pop in the back, to give it more colour. I have ordered the odd crypt to go on the right side, which is a bit empty. I have also ordered some red nose shrimp :hyper:

Fingers crossed then mate.... looking forward to some more shrimp pics :)
@ Jame, thanks and this one will be staying for a while, i promise! lol

@ Steve and Jake, the rednose shrimp were from Aquaessentials, they are coming tomorrow, so will get some pics. :good:
I'm liking the look of this more than the last one. How do you get on with c balansae? Mine don't seem to want to grow leaves longer than about 5 inches, any tips?
cheers for the Balansae, it is a slow grower. Mine were at a decent size when i got them, but did melt. The leaves are now about 12", but i have seen them upto 2foot long! I haven't really got any tips though, sorry.
As above Ian you'll have to stay on top og that Blyxa. It is a weed and in this size tank can very quickly go from cool and cute:

to rampant and domineering (1 month later):

That being said it is a spectacular plant, well worth the effort and definitely something I shall be using again when the scape 'fits' ;). One of my favourite plants.

Looking good mate but I thought the last one was quite an interesting fusion of dutch planting in a nature style scape so would've been nice to see it mature :) This will look cool too though :)

blyxia can almost be a background plant in small tanks.

I wanted to see the first scape develop more too. You do change scapes like I change clothes! LOLOLOL Don't get me wrong, I like this one too, but I think the blyxia is going to be a pain.
cheers for the heads up guys and the pics Andy, i will try to keep on top of it. With this being quite low light, hopefully it'll be a while until it goes crazy. I have a back up plan anyways lol.

The last scape didn't feel right, the left hand side that was open, just didn't get any action. It looked boring imo.
That Blyxa had 0.9WPG T5 over it (1 tube) lol :) Its a low light plant (if you believe the low light myth.)

I know what you mean r.e. geting bored with scapes. I am very bored with Portinho but want to take it to it's end so I'm perservering (Not saying I will get to the end just that at the mo I am resisting the urge. lol :)

You may find though that once you have enjoyed a scape (like the previous) manzy ones you've done) that it starts to dominate your creativity and you can get into a rut that is hard to get out of creating very similar looking scapes :) Something to be aware of.

Looks good though and will follow it's progress

I will be keeping an eye on it, that fo sho.

I know deep down i prefer the nature style, it gives more, to me and the fish are happier, we can observe their more natural behaviour then. I also know what you're saying re the manzy stuff. I know that this scape is similar to the one in the corner. But as said i enjoyed that one and wanted to have a go in a 'normal' shaped tank.

I can see why your 'Once upon a time on the riverbank' lasted so was a really good scape and suited the whole environment. I loved that scape. Everything about that scape worked.
I have got some more shrimp today, i bought some Rednose shrimp from Aquaessentials, they have been acclimatizing for 4 hours and just let in. They are great looking things! I have read in various places they like Brackish waters, however others say not. I thought i'd give em a go...


and also some Anubias Nana added to cover up a few holes and Cryptocoryne Moehlmannii added on the far right.

Looking good Ian, i did like the other scape but this one is great also. Just stop changing it all the time :)

Cheers lp but I have only changed it once!
I am very jealous Ian. :( VERY JEALOUS!! :grr:

I am considering a rescape in mine... As you say, boredom is a dangerous thing! :sly:
thanks Minnnnt, i don't see the point if you're not 100% happy with something, to sit back and not bother to change it to make yourself happier. At the end of the day you're the one sat staring at it all day.

these shrimp are ace BTW!

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