Rebirth (Na Style)

Looking good mate, I miss posting pictures :(
thanks everyone!!

quick update...

the hygrophila sp. 'araguaia' appears to be growing buds at the base of the stem, just below the leaves. I wonder what's gonna happen??

Normally in nature this can be interpreted as a sign of stress. It is a kind of survival mechanism of plants. At least, if you have not taken off the tops....
I have read that before Lu, there is also another school of thought regarding aquatic plants also. There is the thought that flowering in certain plants is an in grown mechanism, a bit like the common flowering plants like aponogetons. Some suggest that's the reason they benefit from a rest. I'm not sure whether this has anything to do with bulb plants.
yes i'm happy at the moment lol!

It will get rescaped in a couple of months though, i really want to try an iwagumi on a larger tank.

here another iphone app, it's called 'photosynth' it takes panoramic pics (not great but good enough).

photosynth by Ian Holdich, on Flickr
i know it gets a little boring lol, but here's a little short vid of various bits around the tank. View in 720p!

ps bought some CPD's today and was gonna put them in the nano, but i have had a change of heart, so they went in the large tank.
Looking great mate. It will be a shame to tear this one down, can't you squeeeze another tank in anywhere?
Yeah was gonna say mate 14 litres is too small for cpd's, badis badis badis! I'm getting rid of mine dunno if you read Eden but cause of the high flow I never see them or him dunno if there's 2 or 1 now I see them that rarely.
thanks Jack, i'm getting some Cal Aqua lilys this week, so that should make it also look a little better.
I know what you mean with the fern minnnt, mines looking ropey lol and every time I see this scape it makes me wanna persevere till its this green. :) Ian ya show off lol.

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