Ready To Hire An Assassin

What does this stuff do to the fish?
Morenicol Lernex Pro? It gets rid of nomatodes, gill flukes, tapeworms etc. after proper healing procedure. Which takes around 20-30 days. With multiple water changes and adding certain amount of this stuff to your tank, at the proper water temp.

The only way to know if you have any parasites is to look under microscope when your fish start to behave funny, or start to look worse.

Luckily - if you don't toss fish without quarantine, random plants, freshwater life/frozen foods (only saltwater kind like krill etc.), and use separate stuff (buckets etc.) if you have many tanks - you will not get any parasites once they are gone (or if you were lucky enough to get fish without them).

Besides that - besides healing - it does nothing "bad" to the fish.
Snails usually bring parasites to fishtanks. More you get, the more probable you'll introduce some kind of them into your aquarium. Nematodes, flagellates, gill flukes etc.

I get rid of 100% of the snails with MLP - Morenicol Lernex Pro. It's intended for ponds, but you can use it in fishtanks. Very popular around discus community (at least here in Poland).
It gets rid of nomatodes, gill flukes, tapeworms, but also, as a side effect it kills 100% of snails. Big and small. Also - 99% of shrimps, so keep it in mind when using (if you have shrimp don't use it at all).

I don't know if you can get your hands on this.
If not, find something similar at your location. If something kills nomatodes, it's very probable it will also assasinate snails. They're pretty weak compared to fish.

Using assasins such as other snails is time consuming and not very efficent. Also you can introduce parasites. Getting loaches is not always an option.
But these are born in this tank so why the fear for those parasites.

For planaria one can use Flubenol which is fish and shrimpsafe but kills all snails.
I am not a fan of the use of chemicals against snails or algae btw. Every chemical will have effect on fish (on the short or te long term) is my opinion.

Most issues we cause ourselves hahahaha and should solve them ourselves as well.


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Assassins will kill pest snails, then eat whatever they can find in the tank...including detritus

Be cautioned, assassins will also breed, but not near as quickly or prolifically as pest snails

I've used assassin snails in 2 of my tanks to rid them of pest need for potentially dangerous chemicals fouling up the water column
Ahhhh...did not know they were going into a tank with gravel, instead of sand...they prefer to burrow into substrate and wait for prey to pass by, then pounce and devour...they should still hunt down pest snails, as well...but that requires more energy...still, they'll eat fish food and other things in the meantime...blanched veggies are usually popular, as with most snails...but in the end, they are carnivores

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