Ready to Cycle


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
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Cambridgeshire, G.B.
The tank has been merrily bubbling away for a week now. The water prep chemicals have been added. It's about time to start a cycle to get my bateria going. My local garden centres/pet stores have ben very sniffy about the idea of a fish-less cycle and feel that a fish or two along with the a bottle of "cycle" chemical should be fine. I don't feel entirely confident with their conclusions. Is the cycle boosting chemical up to much cop? If not I fancy the idea of a fishless cycle, where can I get pure ammonia in the U.K? If getting this is tricky would adding fish food to an empty tank help kick start the bacteria and if so how much would I need to use to get things going?
Hi Mag

Just pop into your local Boots Chemist and they sell there own brand of Household ammonia for about a quid and a half....

Its what I'm using at the moment. Be patient though, I've been fishless cycling for over two weeks and I'm still not done.

Still, quicker and safer than using a live fishy so dont give in to temptation by adding a fish........

hey u know how u said boots do ammonia, is it this one by any chance?

Hi Nightlife

No sweetie, that def is not it!!! It clearly says on the bottle "Household Ammonia". Its a clear liquid with a safety screw top on it as ammonia is a toxic substance.

Your better off askin one of the assistants if u cant find it. Its a 500ml white bottle with a blue label.

Read your post about being "gutted". I'm a complete newbie and the first thing I did was check places like this to get as much info before I even bought the kit.

Didnt realise how much was involved. I'm sure its gonna be worth it, but as I read in one article, a lot of this hobby is about patience...cycling is a good place to start learning that skill.

Good Luck!

bah humbug, never gonna get it goin :( might just stick with the fish food way, iv been told that if i get a bit of fresh shrip/prawn/fish and chuck it in wait for it to rot its alot less tricky... no messin with ammonia then innit.... but ill still have to do tests.... might do it that way... i can get plenty of fresh fish lmao... i eat prawns on nearly a daily basis so thats no biggi.... just its so DARNED COMPLICATED!!!!
you could always pee in the tank

every time my little daughter used her potty i was tempted to chuck it in the new tank - but i have 'transplanted' bacteria from the old tank so should be ok now anyway
nightlife20 said:
:huh: lmao oh yeah i can just see myself perched onto the tank....... :look:

Dawn xxx
or if you can't be bothered with a trip into town, I got mine from:

Look for ammonia 10% solution in the liquids section. They were excellent and fast delivery. It's pure ammonia diluted with distilled water (only trace elements) to 10% strength.

It worked for my tank in 16 days.. :D

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