Read! Lol. . .i'm Sooooo Lucky? Why Though?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2005
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:D :hyper: :hyper: mewha!!!! It's the enthusiast again

Went to lfs to see if it was the water that killed my dads fish. . . but ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH were fine, pH was a bit over but nothing near to serious. . . . :lol: :thumbs: i think it's awesome they test your water for free when it would cost you a good £20 ish mewha!!!!!
So his 5 neons and 5 cherry barbs died and it wasnt the water :huh: :huh: anyone any idea why?

Plus i have a 30 gallon with two fluval filters and one goldfish. I have had it for about a month and havent tested for anything. . . .. Haven't done a water change or anything for the water. As advised from previous owner all; i did to fill it up in the first place was added salt to the water and the fish is showing no bad signs and looks perfectly healthy!!! :hyper: :hyper: yay me!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: Plus when the nice lady did a test for me pH is 7.2 and nitrate nitrite and ammonia are all 0ppm!!!! wupeeeee, so chufd lol

btw everything in my tank was free from my mums mate! not even my friend!! Fluval 1 + 2 which are silent, gravel, a nice goldfish(common - nothing fancy but quite big) and a few ornaments with a plant!!!! I feel sooo happy!!!! YAY lol.

Anyone know why my fish is fine with no water change but my dads tropicals die within a fortnight and he does 20% water change every week or two. hehe. i do feel sorry for the fish btw - not THAT evil. . .
He had an undergravel filter but it was crap!!! He has now switched to a little 'micro filter' (internal filter that sticks on the side)

Thanks for reading - u have to admit you're jealous of me mewha lol

- Enthusiast - :thumbs: :thumbs:

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