Re-doing 3 tanks.



  • 50_empty.JPG
    87.7 KB · Views: 43 sooner did I put all the mbuna in....(like I was fast or something... :rolleyes: :p )
They are FIGHTING so bad already!!! :lol:

Sammy is just sitting up at the top watching all the rugrats go at it...thinking to himself..."fight all you want, I am the boss around here anyway"

Man are those maingano hard to fast! My arm is tired now. :p

Not to mention, the big loaches are out already...power of suggestion I tell ya! :lol:


  • 180_mbuna_just_in.JPG
    66.6 KB · Views: 44
i am enjoying all the pics and, so the more pics the better


:D :D :D :D
Where did the fronts go?
And then what do you plan to do with the 50 now that it's empty
The fronts went to the store..all except for 4...I kept 4 of the 6 bars.

The 50 is done too now and has the fronts, leleupi, brichardi, savoryi and julies.

I think it looks okay, I will post pictures of it later on. :nod:
freshmike said:
The fronts went to the store..all except for 4...I kept 4 of the 6 bars.

The 50 is done too now and has the fronts, leleupi, brichardi, savoryi and julies.

I think it looks okay, I will post pictures of it later on. :nod:
So now the 180 has the clowns and what else?
You are going to have to give me a little bit of time to figure that :lol: So so so many...
fish_r_great said:
Where are those pics you promised???????

JK take your time Fm tiring day for you i bet :fun:
yeah and when he's done that he can answer my last PM :lol:
I missed a Pm? :huh: I don't see one from you....

...and yes, it has been a busy, stressful, tiring, sad, confused day.... :lol:

*who goes where?* :unsure:

The pictures will be up tonight, I just need to make myself some food...BBQ pork chops and garlic cheese toast on french bread....mmmmmm...*drools* So hungry.
Okay, I have a couple of pics of the completed jobs....still not too sure about them :unsure: ...going to take some getting used to, that's for sure. :nod:
I have never seen this much life in the 180 before though...everyone is all over the place...even Sammy and Simon are more active...all the loaches are out and playing, not sleeping...and I have even seen the cuckoo cats!!!

It's amazing when you think a fish is big and then you go and stick him in a tank 4x the size he was in and he looks TINY!! For instance, Mr. Polit looks like a baby.. :lol: Also puts a new perspective on just how big my fryeri pretty. :wub:


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