

spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, would I be able to keep rays in a 6ft x 2ftx 2ft tank?

If so, what type and what tankmates could I have (preferably a biotopy kinda thing)

Thanks for all your help, sorry about the noob questions :blush:
Hi, would I be able to keep rays in a 6ft x 2ftx 2ft tank?

If so, what type and what tankmates could I have (preferably a biotopy kinda thing)

Thanks for all your help, sorry about the noob questions :blush:

The type of sting rays which would do well in a 6x2x2 would be Dasyatis breekeri, Potamotrygon reticulata and Potamotrygon histrix these sting rays only grow to about 15" or so most other sting rays can hit sizes of upto 20" plus mate so a 6x2x2 would not be the best for them so IMO it would be best to keep the above species i have mentioned. and theres also Potamotrygon Humerosa, Potamotrygon Scobina.

Tank mates which i would reccomend would be , Dat Pulcher's arowara's not jardini's they can be quite agressive, most cichlids can be kept with ray's silver dollars most peaceful fish which won't fit in a sting rays mouth would be good tank mates.

check this site out

Sting Ray's ... click here !

Forgot to add Pleco's are NOT a good idea with sting rays they tend to suck on the ray's disc and make soars on the fish.
Personally i would say you cant keep any species of ray in a 6x2x2' and almost all other ray keepers will agree, the 24" width is just too narrow to provide enough floor space for the rays to be comfortable, at the very least you should have 30" of width and prefferably 36" or even more.
CFC I agree that a 6x2x2 would be too small. But isn't your tank only a tiny bit bigger than that? As well as that you keep 3 rays in it. I thought that with a tank slightly bigger than a 6x2x2 you would only be able to keep 1 ray????
this is the main problem people get a 6x2x2ft tank and think i have a massive tank now i will get some rays a 6x2x2ft tank is fine for alot of fish but not true mosters like rays gars tigershovel nose and silver arowanas

in a 6x2x2ft you should be ok with a scobina ray i saw one for sale yesterday in a secret shop of mine for £150 scobina grow to about 12inch disk

you may also be ok with a hystrix for 18months
I have 2 rays and my tank is the minimum width at 30" wide, that extra 6" on the width makes a huge difference to the footprint of a tank. I'm the first to admit that my tank will be too small for two adult motoros which is why i am having a 8x3x2.5 built later on this year, just got to wait for the weather to turn nice so i can earn some money to pay for it.
Rays are quite sociable fish so if you have space for one then you have space for 2 or 3, they dont mind sharing swimming space as long as there is swimming space to share.
I didn't really think there would be a problem with keeping the ray's i mentioned in the 6x2x2 these are the smallers rays and only grow to around 15" Dasyatis breekeri, Potamotrygon reticulata, Potamotrygon histrix, Potamotrygon Humerosa and Potamotrygon Scobina. But if i'm wrong i'm wrong i've never kept rays befor but was hoping to do so one day i like to learn more about them befor buying.
what is this secret shop?

the shop is a long way from you mate i live in london i think your best bet for scobina would be paddock for you to look

i also saw a very nice ray in the same shop a motoro x leopoldi cross for £175

the 6inch from 24 to 30 is a big diffrence your right and 36 would be perfect but 36 is massive thats why i went 32 wide 2inch is a big difference :D

with motoro unless you realy want to breed them it would be best to keep 2 x females as a sex mad male will kill a female when hes ready to breed the only problem with that is females grow alot bigger than males
If you can fit the 6'x30"x2' (or bigger) in then dont forget all tanks ordered by the end of June from our community sponser Windsor Aquatics get a 10% discount on their already amazingly low prices.
the other reason i didnt go 36 wide is im a wimp and dont have enought freinds to lift it :D

a 30inch wide tank will be fine for a hystrix or scobina and you may be ok with motoro in their for close to 2 years may be even a male for life

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