

Aug 8, 2005
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hi all,
Ok so I'm expecting the babies from Synirr. I got them shipped to NS which isn't too close to texas at all by express... Ok so they are supposed to be here today and they are not. Makes me soooo mad. Synirr put all her time and effort in to get them ready to be sent on tuesday and did so. But the mail, I am sooo mad at. I paid just for express and now it seems like they will be stuck over the weekend anyways. I am worried crapless that somethign will happen to them. Just ticks me off.... Anyone else ever have anything like this? Everyone tells me not to worry but it just drives me up the wall... Now I get to wait til monday, I'm praying they will be alright. Sorry about the rant but grrr... yes I am a worrywart and maybe I shouldn't worry but there is a reason I paid for express.
oh i'd be upset too. did you check what their delivery guarantee is from where synirr is to you? you may be eligible for a refund on shipping if they didn't abide by their guaranteed delivery date.

as for the fish, i hope they'll be okay. just last week a seller shipped on friday without telling me - and i was in CA the whole weekend! they were fine at the post office when i got them monday though :)
They've been out since tuesday. I don't know about the gurantee but apparently the person at the post office told Synirr they would be here yesterday(thurs) and Synirr and I think that's weird. She gave me the tracking number and I've been tracking it down, they left the US yesterday but I thought they'd be here today considering I'm in the city where they land. I am soo worried.
Yeah, the post office person told Synirr they were guaranteed to be here thursday, and it's not friday and nothing... We did think that thursday was too soon for them to get here, it seemed weird where NS isn't that close, but I mean it's been 3 days... Nothing makes sense any more.
I used to ship non-fish packages to Canada, and the quickest they ever guaranteed me was 3-5 days. I don't know why they said they would be able to get it there next day... Weird. I'm sure your fish will be ok!
That's a long stretch for such a young crew, nearing a week in the box. But bettas are tough so think positive. I'm sending lively wishes to them.
I dunno but they will have gone without food at least 7 days on monday... I am not a happy camper, those poor fish
They can last up to two weeks with out food so dont worry :nod:

I hope they arrive safley soon

If they don't come monday, redbetta is going to through the biggest fit anyone has ever heard... lol, I'm pretty ticked. I wonder what Synirr thinks of all this, the poor girl, never shipped out of country before. I just want her to know that I love her for everything she's done and if they don't come safely then I wont blame her at all. I do hope she has the guarantee info in case they don't make it.
Just try not to worry about it too much... I never worry about anything until I actually get confirmation of bad news, it just makes life a lot easier. I'd be worrying non-stop for the next couple of weeks otherwise, since I'm going to have even more babies in the mail on Monday :p
They may have gotten detained at the border or something... we'll just have to wait and see. Think positive thoughts :nod:
so these fish have been out since tuesday and it's been 5 business days and they aren't here, is that what you call express? not to be rude, I know it can take 5 days to Canada but seriously, frustrating stuff...

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