Random pics taken out of boredome.



  • Andrews_tank_085.jpg
    69.8 KB · Views: 38
kribs mate said:
nice pics.. :rolleyes:

whats been munching on your betta?
A skunk loach, or Botia morleti. That loach is a little pain in the as I was saying yes he did chew the betta up over night but Boss the betta is recovering. We put the loach in the 30g in my sig. Those fish will keep him in line :lol: . Couldn't forget the badis badis :D


  • Andrews_tank_076.jpg
    62 KB · Views: 38
I luv the name BOSS [/QUOTE]That loach is a little pain in the as I was saying yes he did chew the betta up over night but Boss the betta is recovering.
Are badis badis cool? I was thinkin of getting one or two in my 1 and gettin a pair of apistos too. Then I might get rid of my rainbows.
Badis badis are awesome. There are a few kinds I have something like a badis badis asemensis, he will eat smaller fish EXAMPLE guppy (Happened to me) but if your going to put one with apistos you should be fine. All the different kinds of them can change color. Mine usually stays tan but when he gets pissed off at the serpaes or any other fish he gets big black and red spots all over him. They are kind of like cichlids in the way they act and swim :D You should really try them out :thumbs:
cool pix.

Get the botia some company, there need to be at least 3 of the the same species in the same tank ..:/
Limpingfish: I can't find anymore!!!

Fish_r_great: You can try 2 I haven't because the petshop I got them from sells them for $20.00 a piece. She is fine alone though. The males ventral fin is concave and the females isnt. That might only count for the Siamese badis (one I have) though. Good luck! (Look in my sig for possible tankmates 55g)

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