Ugh, you need to grow up me thinks. I am very in love with a very beautiful girl and that is all you need to know as far as I go. It kind of sucks that you would point out a sexuality thing though in my honest opinion.....because as far as I am concerned, if you are in love with someone, you are in matter who it is. Gender excluded.
oh come on....i wasn't being serious through this or something! i don't have anything against was just a question! i don't know how this goes into "love" and whatnot....i think that it's great that you have a good girl friend!
i really tried not to offend...but i guess i failed
Don't worry, your not the only boy I know who likes flowers *cough*Synastic*cough*.
I think that's totally cool that some guys appritiate nature and such. Majority of famous nature photographers are men anyways, I'm sure their not all "gay"...
Hey! I like taking photos of flowers, in fact they are the best things to take photos of, they are very easy on the eye, very colourful and are not shy or likely to run off on you All in all a great subject for photography. And I'm not gay (I got witnesses to back me up!) See: http/