Random new guppy death!!

Okay...the Bad News first.

  • Your small tank has too many fish in it. Assuming that your tank is properly cycled, (which it won't be), a 10 gallon tank should only have a maximum of 10 guppies and nothing else.
  • You've wasted limited money on buying plastic plants. Whilst these may look pretty, (although the Jury's out on that one ;) ), they serve very little useful purpose.
  • Your single Oto will be a miserable little fish and will be subsequently over-stressed. The Oto needs to be in a group of at least half a dozen. Those who know what they'r doing might keep a shoal of 10 - 15. Obviously, you don't have room in your tank for this species. I suspect you were sold it as an 'algae eater', to keep your algae down.

(Lordy, I'm growing to detest these stupid shops and their ignorant staff).

Now the (sort-of) Good News

We can help.
  • Keep up with the water changes.
  • Buy a test kit...you need to be able to monitor your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. Liquid test kits are better, but for you, you just need something simple, because the only acceptable reading for ammonia and nitrites is zero.
  • Swap the plastic plants with real ones. You don't need to be an aquarium gardener at this stage, just throw something relatively fast growing in there, like Elodea (pond weed). Floating plants are also recommended and these need no care whatsoever. These plants will reduce the toxic wastes in your tank, produced by the fish.
  • Add some aquarium salt, 1 rounded tablespoon, per 5 gallons. Dissolve this salt in a jug of aquarium water, before adding it to the tank. The salt will boost the immune systems of the fish and help manage any bacteria and fungus and will help your fish repair their fins.
  • Buy some bottled bacteria and add this to the tank. This should start your cycling process*.
*Cycling - a summary.
Your fish produce toxic waste, ammonia. With cycling, you grow beneficial bacteria which will turn that ammonia into nitrites.
Nitrites are also toxic, but you're also growing bacteria that will turn those nitrites into nitrates, which are far, far less toxic.
These bacteria can be added artificially, speeding up the process a little.
Live plants use ammonia when they're growing, go adding growing pants will significantly reduce ammonia and nitrite (and nitrate) levels.
your oto must be depressed. They need to be in shoals of 6 at minmum. You are well over stcoked. The 1st thing you need to do is get 5 more otos, have 5 guppies, not 12. keep the snail thn ur good.
your oto must be depressed. They need to be in shoals of 6 at minmum. You are well over stcoked. The 1st thing you need to do is get 5 more otos, have 5 guppies, not 12. keep the snail thn ur good.
Please read up on the Otocinclus...especially the bit about matured tanks.
The OP already has fish in a tank and that's what we have to work with.

If you're going to be offering advice, then please research the subject you're giving advice on thoroughly, bearing in mind the context and slow down so that any responses are in English.
Please read up on the Otocinclus...especially the bit about matured tanks.
The OP already has fish in a tank and that's what we have to work with.

If you're going to be offering advice, then please research the subject you're giving advice on thoroughly, bearing in mind the context and slow down so that any responses are in English.
um, otos do need to be in groups of 6 at minimum, and i know im correct about that and the other things. Am i not?
Quarantine the guppy, put some aquarium salt into the quarantine tank, also add a fast growing plant to the hospital tank. After that add a filter and air pump to your hospital tank. If all that does not work than put some meds in the hospital tank. I would recommend a multi purpose medication in case you don't know exactly what the problem with the guppy is.
Meds are a last resort, especially when you have no idea what might be wrong with the fish

Overcrowded, uncycled aquariums will make fish sick and kill them faster than any actual illness or disease

Suggesting medications as a first step is utterly irresponsible.
Meds are a last resort, especially when you have no idea what might be wrong with the fish

Overcrowded, uncycled aquariums will make fish sick and kill them faster than any actual illness or disease

Suggesting medications as a first step is utterly irresponsible.
?, i said if the salt and the plant doesnt work the op should add meds?
Quarantine the guppy, put some aquarium salt into the quarantine tank, also add a fast growing plant to the hospital tank. After that add a filter and air pump to your hospital tank. If all that does not work than put some meds in the hospital tank. I would recommend a multi purpose medication in case you don't know exactly what the problem with the guppy is.
No, no, no. We do not ever recommend "multi purpose" medication. These medications do not work and can cause more harm than good. You are very young and can barely keep your own tank healthy. You probably should refrain from offering medical advice. Not trying to be mean.
No, no, no. We do not ever recommend "multi purpose" medication. These medications do not work and can cause more harm than good. You are very young and can barely keep your own tank healthy. You probably should refrain from offering medical advice. Not trying to be mean.
My tanks are healthy??? What r u talking about
My tanks are healthy??? What r u talking about

This is what I am talking about. You showed nothing but inexperience and failure to follow instructions here and a fish was injured unnecessarily and then allowed to suffer until it finally was euthanized. You added meds when nobody told you to and of course they didn't help, and you just aren't experienced enough with fish to be offering medical advice.

First you told this user to GET MORE FISH, which is the worst idea ever. Then you said to add random meds to the tank... which is also the worst advice ever.

This is what I am talking about. You showed nothing but inexperience and failure to follow instructions here and a fish was injured unnecessarily and then allowed to suffer until it finally was euthanized. You added meds when nobody told you to and of course they didn't help, and you just aren't experienced enough with fish to be offering medical advice.

First you told this user to GET MORE FISH, which is the worst idea ever. Then you said to add random meds to the tank... which is also the worst advice ever.
Its not my fault the betta killed the guppy, and otos need to be in groups of 6 at minimum so thats why i said it, and the salts cant do any harm? There just salts, as long as you dont add to much of course. Everything you just said is not true so be quiet and mind your own business.
Yes, otos do need a group and a bigger tank, but in this context getting more fish at the moment is one of the worst things to do. It is better to sort out the immediate problem then look towards sorting the long term problem.

All medications, even salt, should only be used when they are the best cure for the condition. And medications, including salt, should not be mixed.
Yes, otos do need a group and a bigger tank, but in this context getting more fish at the moment is one of the worst things to do. It is better to sort out the immediate problem then look towards sorting the long term problem.

All medications, even salt, should only be used when they are the best cure for the condition. And medications, including salt, should not be mixed.

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