Tomorrow the federal government is increasing the price of fuel by 25 cents a litre. They removed part of the fuel tax about 6 months ago when the price of crude oil skyrocketed due to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, and fuel prices went over $2.00 a litre. It shouldn't have affected Australia because we refine our own oil, but the government sells it all on the open market so we have to buy our own oil back in at inflated prices. That's pretty fupling stupid in my book.
At the time the newly elected government reduced the tax so people could afford to live. Think $100-150 (over half is taxes) to fill up an average car. Not affordable when you only get $400 a week on the pension. FYI, I normally use 3-4 tanks of fuel per year so I don't feel the price as much as others who buy fuel every week, but it still hurts paying $100 for a tank of fuel for a 1.6 litre 4 cylinder hatchback.
So tomorrow (Friday 30 September) fuel will be around $2.25 per litre (Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the most expensive days for fuel here) and people are going to feel it. I filled my car up this morning at 3am and got it for the cheapest price that was around ($1.79 per litre).